
response Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Antwort, Reaktion
Response f med.
Rücklauf m; Rückmeldungen pl adm.
response rate
Antwortmodus m
response mode
Antwortzeit f, Ansprechzeit f
response time
Rücklaufquote f
response rate
Antwortzeit f; Ansprechzeit f
response time
Hilfsfrist f (Rettungsdienst; Feuerwehr)
response time
Ansprechdauer f phys.
response time
Antwortzeit f comp. telco.
response time
Ansprechwert m
response level
Phasenfrequenzgang m
phase response
Sprachausgabe f
audio response
Sprachausgabe f
voice response
Standardantwort f
stock response
audio response
voice response
in response to
Ansprechverzug m
response delay
Impulsantwort f
pulse response
Phasengang m
phase response
Ansprechverzögerung f techn.
response delay
Wirkung f im Ziel mil.
target response
Systemantwort f comp.
system response
Fahrzeugreaktion f
vehicle response
Bremsverhalten n; Bremseigenschaften pl auto
braking response
ablehnende Antwort
negative response
Ansprechdruck m
response pressure
Antwortspektrum n
response spectrum
Spektralempfindlichkeit f
spectral response
Allpassverhalten n electr.
all-pass response
Vorfallsreaktion f; Bearbeitung f von Vorfällen
incident response
Frequenzbereich m
frequency response
Frequenzgang m
frequency response
Ãœbertragungsfunktion f
frequency response
vorübergehende Rückwirkung f
transient response
amplitude response
frequency response
frequency response
Ãœbergangsverhalten n
transition response
Retourkutsche f ugs.
tit-for-tat response
Rücklauf m
Rückläufe pl
Frage-Antwort-Zyklus m
inquiry-response cycle
Lenkungsansprechzeit f
steering response time
inquiry-response cycle
Ansprechverhalten n
response characteristic
Ansprechwert m
minimum value of response
sind unbeachtet geblieben
have met with no response
Kessellaständerungsgeschwindigkeit f mach.
boiler load response rate
schnelle Eingreiftruppe f
rapid response team RRT
Dialogmarketing n econ.
direct response marketing
Bahnung f psych.
Reaktionsbahnung f
response priming
Expositions-Wirkungsbeziehung f biochem.
dose-response relationship
Amplitudenfrequenzgang m
amplitude frequency response
Standardantwort f
stock answer; stock response
Rücklaufquote f
Rücklaufquoten pl
response rate
response rates
Sprachausgabe f; akustische Beantwortung f comp.
audio response; voice response
ungezwungen; ungekünstelt; natürlich adj
spontane Antwort
unstudied response
Lektürekommentar m school stud.
response paper; reaction essay
Lidschlagreflex m med.
blinking reflex; blink response
Antwortfeld n
Antwortfelder pl
response field
response fields
Ansprechwert m
Ansprechwerte pl
response level
response levels
Fehlerreaktion f comp.
Fehlerreaktionen pl
error response
error responses
Amplitudenfrequenzgangkurve f
amplitude-frequency response curve
Anfangserregungsgeschwindigkeit f
initial excitation system response
Bode-Diagramm n electr.
frequency-response characteristics
Zeitverhalten n
time response, runtime performance
bewaffnetes Einsatzfahrzeug n der Polizei
armed response vehicle ARV Br.
Immunreaktion f med.
Immunreaktionen pl
immune response
immune responses
Zeitverhalten n
time response; runtime performance
Rücklauf m techn.
Rückläufe pl
schneller Rücklauf
quick return
Dosiswirkungskurve f (Radioaktivität) phys. med.
dose-response curve (radioactivity)
Fahrzeugreaktion f
Fahrzeugreaktionen pl
vehicle response
vehicle responses
Sprungantwort f, Ãœbergangsfunktion f electr. math.
step response, step function response
Katastrophenbewältigung f
disaster response; emergency response
Sprungantwort f; Ãœbergangsfunktion f electr. math.
step response; step function response
Nyquist-Punkt m (TV)
point of 50 % amplitude response (TV)
Für eine schnelle Antwort wären wir Ihnen sehr dankbar.
A rapid response would be appreciated.
Antwortfunktion f
Antwortfunktionen pl
response function
response functions
Rückstellmoment m
self-aligning torque, steering response
Anlaufzeit f; Schaltzeit f
build-up time; rise time; response time
Rückstellmoment m
self-aligning torque; steering response
Rückstellmoment n
self-aligning torque; steering response
Einschwingverhalten n
transient response, transient phenomenon
Einschwingverhalten n
transient response; transient phenomenon
Ökosystemreaktion f envir.
Ökosystemreaktionen pl
ecosystem response
ecosystem responses
postwendend etw. tun v ugs. übtr. (als Reaktion)
not to hesitate to do sth. (as a response)
Bode-Diagramm n; Bodediagramm n electr.
frequency-response characteristics; Bode plot
Reaktionskraft f
reaction force; response force; reacting force
Hilfsfrist f (Rettungsdienst; Feuerwehr)
response time (ambulance service; fire brigade)
Ich würdige diese Frage keiner Antwort.
I won't dignify this questions with a response.
Lenkpräzision f
steering precision; transition steering response
Ansprechzeit f techn.
Bremsansprechzeit f (Auto, Bahn)
response time
brake response time (car, train)
Bahnung f psych.
Reaktionsbahnung f
Bahnunterführungen pl
response priming
railway underpasses
Mehrfachauswahl-Verfahren n
multiple-choice method; multiple response method
Pyroptose f (Zellzerstörung als Immunreaktion) biochem. med.
pyroptosis (cell destruction as immune response)
Reaktionszeit f
maximale Reaktionszeit
reaction time, response time
peak response time
Reaktionszeit f
maximale Reaktionszeit
reaction time; response time
peak response time
Nichts zu danken!; Keine Ursache!; Das ist (doch) nicht der Rede wert!; Da nicht für! Norddt. ugs. (Antwort auf eine Dankesäußerung)
Don't mention it!; Not at all! (response to thanks)
Stör-Antwort-Rückführung f (Steuerungstechnik) techn.
disturbance-response feedback (control engineering)
Zusammenschluss von Netz-Sicherheits-Organisationen
Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams FIRST
Zusammenschluss von Netz-Sicherheits-Organisationen
FIRST : Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams
Fußsohlenreflex m; Plantarreflex m; Beugereflex m; Fluchtreflex m med.
plantar reflex; plantar response; shortening reaction
Zusammenschluss von Netz-Sicherheits-Organisationen
Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams FIRST
Epidemiebekämpfungsmaßnahmen pl; antiepidemische Maßnahmen pl med. pol.
epidemic control measures; epidemic response measures
Ansprechwert m
Ansprechwerte pl
minimum value of response
minimum values of response
Gern geschehen!; Gerne!; Bitte! (Antwort auf eine Dankesäußerung)
You are welcome!; You're welcome! (response to thanks)
asymptotisch adj math.
asymptotische Entwicklung f
asymptotische Stabilität f
asymptotic expansion
asymptotic response
Reaktion f psych.
Anpassungsreaktion f
Reiz-Reaktions-Modell n
adjustment response
stimulus-response model
Dosis-Wirkungs-Zusammenhang m; Expositions-Wirkungs-Zusammenhang m envir. pharm.
dose-response relationship; exposure-response relationship
Anlaufzeit f; Schaltzeit f (Steuerungstechnik) techn.
build-up time; rise time, response time (control engineering)
sofortige Erledigung f; prompte Erledigung f (von etw.)
das sofortige Reagieren auf Notrufe
immediacy (of sth.)
immediacy of response to emergency calls
Rettungseinsatzfahrzeug n REF auto med.
non-transporting response vehicle; non-transporting EMS vehicle
Rücklaufquote f (bei Umfragen, Direktwerbung usw.)
Rücklaufquoten pl
response rate (in surveys, direct mailing etc.)
response rates
kognitive Verzerrung f; kognitives Bias n psych.
Antwortverzerrung f; Antwortbias n (bei Erhebungen)
cognitive bias; cognitive illusions
response bias (in surveys)
schnelle Eingreiftruppe f (Polizei; Militär) mil.
rapid reaction force; rapid response team RRT (military, police)
Antwort f, Erwiderung f, Reaktion f
Antworten pl, Erwiderungen pl
als Antwort auf, in Erwiderung zu
abschlägige Antwort
response, reaction
in response to
adverse response
Fluchtreflex m; Fluchtreaktion f psych.
Fluchtreflexe pl; Fluchtreaktionen pl
escape reflex; escape response
escape reflexes; escape responses
sofortig; augenblicklich adj
eine sofortige Reaktion
Der Tod trat sofort ein.
an instantaneous response
Death was instantaneous.
(einmaliges) Niesen n; Nieser m ugs.
bei jedem Nieser
auf einen Nieser „Gesundheit“ sagen
at every sneeze
to say "Bless you" in response to a sneeze
Ansprechen n
schnelles Ansprechen
komplettes pathologisches Ansprechen med.
reaction; response
quick response
pathological complete response pCR
Blitzlichtmethode f; Blitzlichtrunde f school.
flash response technique; flash response method; flash feedback technique
Einschwingverhalten n electr. phys.
Einschwingverhalten bei kleinen Signalen electr.
transient response; transient phenomenon
small-signal transient response
begrenzt; maßvoll adj
ein begrenzter Gegenschlag mil.
eine maßvolle Reaktion
restrained; controlled
a restrained counterstrike
a controlled response
Notarzteinsatzfahrzeug n NEF ; Notarzteinsatzwagen m auto med.
Notarzteinsatzfahrzeuge pl; Notarzteinsatzwagen pl
emergency physician response vehicle
emergency physician response vehicles
bestellt; Auftrags… adj
bestellter Artikel; Auftragsartikel m
invitational Am. (prepared in response to a request)
invitational article
Postweg m
Auf dem üblichen Postweg dauert es bis zu 15 Tage, bis man eine Antwort bekommt.
mailing route
The usual mailing route takes up to 15 days to get a response.
bewaffnete Eingreiftruppe f
bewaffnete Eingreiftruppen pl
firearms response team; firearms unit
firearms response teams; firearms units
Feuerwehreinsatz m
fire brigade emergency response Br.; fire department emergency response Am.
Reaktion f; Antwort f (auf etw.) übtr. pol. soc.
Reaktionen pl; Antworte pl
eine begrenzte atomare Reaktion auf den Raketenangriff
response (to sth.)
a limited nuclear response to the missile strike
Reaktionszeit f psych.
Reaktionszeiten pl
maximale Reaktionszeit
reaction time; response time
reaction times; response times
peak response time
(in bestimmter Weise) aufgenommen werden v soc.
Ihre Äußerung ist unterschiedlich aufgenommen worden.
to be met with (a specific response)
Her statement was met with mixed reactions.
Frequenzgangkurve f; Gangkurve f; Ortskurve f des Frequenzgangs; Nyquist-Diagramm n (Stabilitätsanalyse) telco.
frequency response curve; frequency response locus; Nyquist plot (stability analysis)
Hitzeschockreaktion f biol. med.
Hitzeschockreaktionen pl
heat shock reaction; heat shock response
heat shock reactions; heat shock responses
mit mehreren Antworten zur Auswahl; mit Antwortvorgaben
Auswahlfrage f; Frage mit Antwortvorgaben (bei einer Prüfung)
Auswahlfrage mit mehreren richtigen Antworten
multiple-choice {adj}
multiple-choice question (in a test)
multiple-response question
abhängige Variable f; Antwortvariable f; Reaktionsvariable f; Regressand m statist.
dependent variable; effect variable; response variable; predictand variable; predictand; regressand
anlassbezogen adv
as occasion demands; on a non-routine basis; on a case-by-case basis; in response to specific situations
Ansprechempfindlichkeit f; Anzugsempfindlichkeit f (Relais) electr.
response sensitivity; responding sensitivity; pull-in sensitivity; responsitivity; responsiveness (relay)
Amplitudengang f
amplitude-frequency characteristic; amplitude characteristic; frequency characteristic; amplitude response
Amplitudengang m
amplitude-frequency characteristic; amplitude characteristic; frequency characteristic; amplitude response
Resonanz f; Reaktion f (auf etw.) soc.
bei jdm. auf große Resonanz stoßen
Die Initiative fand keine Resonanz.
response; reaction (to sth.)
to draw a big response from sb.
The initiative didn't meet with any response.
Einsatz m (von Einsatzkräften)
Katastropheneinsatz m
response operation; relief operation (by emergency services)
disaster response operation; disaster relief operation
Empörung f (über etw.)
moralische Empörung
mit Empörung reagieren; empört sein
Das Urteil rief Empörung hervor.
outrage (at over sth.)
moral outrage
to react with a sense of outrage
The response to the verdict was one of outrage.
tachykarde Ãœberleitung f in Verbindung mit Arrhythmie bei Vorhofflimmern (EKG-Befund) med.
atrial fibrillation with a rapid ventricular response (due to rapid transmission conduction through the AV node) (ECG summary)
Rahmenbedingungen pl adm.
die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen
günstige internationale Rahmenbedingungen
als Reaktion auf die geänderten Rahmenbedingungen
environment; context; framework
the legal framework
a favourable international environment
in response to the changing context
Ansprechverhalten n auto techn.; Ansprechbarkeit f med.; Ansprechen n
verminderte emotionale Ansprechbarkeit med.
das Ansprechen eines Instruments mus.
response characteristic; responsitivity; responsiveness
reduced emotional responsivity responsiveness
the responsiveness of an instrument
Notarzt m, Notärztin f med.
Notärzte pl, Notärztinnen pl
emergency doctor, emergency physician, emergency response physician Am.
emergency doctors, emergency physicians, emergency response physicians

Deutsche Antwort Reaktion Synonyme

Antwort  ÂAuskunft  ÂEntgegnung  ÂErwiderung  ÂRückmeldung  ÂReaktion  ÂReplik  (fachsprachlich)  
chemische  Reaktion  ÂReaktion  
Antwort  ÂAuflösung  ÂErgebnis  ÂLösung  
Echo  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂGegenwirkung  ÂReaktion  
Auswirkung  ÂEffekt  ÂEinfluß  ÂFolge  ÂReaktion  ÂWirkung  
Antwort-Wahl-Verfahren  (fachsprachlich)  ÂMultiple-Choice-Verfahren  
Antwort-Wahl-Verfahren (fachsprachlich)  Multiple-Choice-Verfahren  
Antwort  Auflösung  Ergebnis  Lösung  
Antwort  Auskunft  Erwiderung  Rückmeldung  Reaktion  Replik  
chemische Reaktion  Reaktion  

Englische response Synonyme

response  Agnus Dei  Benedicite  ESP  Gloria  Gloria Patri  Gloria in Excelsis  Introit  Magnificat  Miserere  Nunc Dimittis  Te Deum  Trisagion  Vedic hymn  acknowledgment  action and reaction  affect  affection  alleluia  anacrusis  answer  answering  anthem  antiphon  antiphonal chanting  antiphony  argument  automatic reaction  autonomic reaction  awareness  back answer  back talk  backchat  backlash  backwash  bass passage  bounceback  bourdon  bridge  burden  cadence  canticle  caring  chant  chorale  chord  chorus  clout  coda  comeback  commerce  communication  communion  concern  congress  connection  consciousness  contact  conversation  converse  correspondence  counterstatement  dealing  dealings  defense  demurrer  denial  development  division  doxology  echo  effect  emotion  emotional charge  emotional shade  empathy  evasive reply  exception  exchange  experience  exposition  feedback  feeling  feeling tone  fellow feeling  figure  folderol  force  foreboding  gut reaction  hallelujah  harmonic close  heartthrob  hosanna  hymn  hymn of praise  hymnody  hymnography  hymnology  identification  impact  impress  impression  imprint  information  interaction  interchange  intercommunication  intercommunion  intercourse  interlude  intermezzo  interplay  introductory phrase  involvement  laud  linguistic intercourse  mantra  mark  measure  message  motet  movement  musical phrase  musical sentence  objection  offertory  offertory sentence  ornament  paean  part  passage  passion  pathos  percept  perception  period  phrase  plea  pleading  predictable response  presentiment  print  profound sense  psalm  psalmody  reaction  ready reply  rebuttal  receipt  recoil  reflection  reflex  reflex action  refluence  reflux  refrain  refutation  rejoinder  relating  repartee  repercussion  replication  reply  report  repost  rescript  rescription  resolution  respond  respondence  response to stimuli  responsion  responsiveness  responsory  responsory report  reto  

response Definition

(n.) The act of responding.
(n.) An answer or reply.
(n.) Reply to an objection in formal disputation.
(n.) The answer of the people or congregation to the priest or clergyman, in the litany and other parts of divine service.
(n.) A kind of anthem sung after the lessons of matins and some other parts of the office.
(n.) A repetition of the given subject in a fugue by another part on the fifth above or fourth below.

response Bedeutung

a bodily process occurring due to the effect of some antecedent stimulus or agent, a bad reaction to the medicine, his responses have slowed with age
galvanic skin response
psychogalvanic response
electrodermal response
electrical skin response
Fere phenomenon
Tarchanoff phenomenon
a change in the electrical properties of the skin in response to stress or anxiety, can be measured either by recording the electrical resistance of the skin or by recording weak currents generated by the body
immune response
immune reaction
immunologic response
a bodily defense reaction that recognizes an invading substance (an antigen: such as a virus or fungus or bacteria or transplanted organ) and produces antibodies specific against that antigen
anamnestic response
anamnestic reaction
renewed rapid production of an antibody on the second (or subsequent) encounter with the same antigen
humoral immune response an immune response (chiefly against bacterial invasion) that is mediated by B cells
cell-mediated immune response an immune response (chiefly against viral or fungal invasions or transplanted tissue) that involves T cells
reflex response
reflex action
instinctive reflex
innate reflex
inborn reflex
unconditioned reflex
physiological reaction
an automatic instinctive unlearned reaction to a stimulus
conditional reflex
conditioned reflex
acquired reflex
conditional reaction
conditioned reaction
conditional response
conditioned response
an acquired response that is under the control of (conditional on the occurrence of) a stimulus
learned reaction
learned response
a reaction that has been acquired by learning
conditioned avoidance
conditioned avoidance response
a conditioned response that anticipates the occurrence of an aversive stimulus
startle response
startle reaction
a complicated involuntary reaction to a sudden unexpected stimulus (especially a loud noise), involves flexion of most skeletal muscles and a variety of visceral reactions
frequency response (electronics) a curve representing the output-to-input ratio of a transducer as a function of frequency
response the manner in which an electrical or mechanical device responds to an input signal or a range of input signals
conditioned emotional response
conditioned emotion
an emotional response that has been acquired by conditioning
response a phrase recited or sung by the congregation following a versicle by the priest or minister
reception response the manner in which something is greeted, she did not expect the cold reception she received from her superiors
answer reply response a statement (either spoken or written) that is made to reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation, I waited several days for his answer, he wrote replies to several of his critics
the speech act of continuing a conversational exchange, he growled his reply
response a result, this situation developed in response to events in Africa
reaction time
response time
latent period
the time that elapses between a stimulus and the response to it
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