
Deutsche Querstraße {f} Synonyme

Englische intersection road Synonyme

road intersection Definition

(n.) The act, state, or place of intersecting.
(n.) The point or line in which one line or surface cuts another.
Jinny road
() An inclined road in a coal mine, on which loaded cars descend by gravity, drawing up empty ones.
Maoadam road
() A macadamized road.
(n.) A journey, or stage of a journey.
(n.) An inroad
(n.) A place where one may ride
(n.) A place where ships may ride at anchor at some distance from the shore
(n.) A towing path.

road intersection Bedeutung

intersection the act of intersecting (as joining by causing your path to intersect your target's path)
road a way or means to achieve something, the road to fame
royal road an auspicious way or means to achieve something, the royal road to success
on the road
on tour
travelling about, they took the show on the road, they lost all their games on the road
away game
road game
a game played away from home
road show a show on tour
road construction the construction of roads
road rage violence exhibited by drivers in traffic
access road
slip road
a short road giving access to an expressway, in Britain they call an access road a slip road
arterial road a major or main route
ring road
a highway that encircles an urban area so that traffic does not have to pass through the center
bridle path
bridle road
a path suitable for riding or leading horses (but not for cars)
drive private road
a road leading up to a private house, they parked in the driveway
frontage road
service road
a local road that runs parallel to an expressway and allows local traffic to gain access to property
trunk road
a highway
main road
a major road for any form of motor transport
crossing carrefour
a junction where one street or road crosses another
local road
local street
a street that is primarily used to gain access to the property bordering it
post road a road over which mail is carried
an open way (generally public) for travel or transportation
road map a map showing roads (for automobile travel)
road surface the paved surface of a paved roadway
side road a minor road branching off of a main road
skid road a road made of logs on which freshly cut timber can be hauled
road roller
vehicle equipped with heavy wide smooth rollers for compacting roads and pavements
toll road
an expressway on which tolls are collected
road sense good judgment in avoiding trouble or accidents on the road
convergence intersection
a representation of common ground between theories or phenomena, there was no overlap between their proposals
road test a test to insure that a vehicle is roadworthy
intersection point
point of intersection
a point where lines intersect
road map
a detailed plan or explanation to guide you in setting standards or determining a course of action, the president said he had a road map for normalizing relations with Vietnam
road to Damascus a sudden turning point in a person's life (similar to the sudden conversion of the Apostle Paul on the road from Jerusalem to Damascus of arrest Christians)
Cartesian product
the set of elements common to two or more sets, the set of red hats is the intersection of the set of hats and the set of red things
road gang a gang of road workers
skid road the district of a town frequented by loggers
Silk Road an ancient trade route between China and the Mediterranean (, miles), followed by Marco Polo in the th century to reach Cathay
road agent
a holdup man who stops a vehicle and steals from it
marathon runner
road runner
long-distance runner
someone who participates in long-distance races (especially in marathons)
road builder someone whose business is to build roads
road hog
a driver who obstructs others
roadman road mender a workman who is employed to repair roads
intersection a point or set of points common to two or more geometric configurations
road metal broken rock used for repairing or making roads
take the road give theatrical performances while traveling from town to town
middle-of-the-road not extreme, especially in political views
supporting or pursuing a course of action that is neither liberal nor conservative
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