
running total Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

laufender Kontostand
running total
Laufachse f (Bahn)
Laufachsen pl
hintere Laufachse
Lokomotive ohne Laufachsen; laufachslose Lokomotive; Lokomotive mit vollständiger Reibungsnutzung
running axle; carrying axle; idle axle (railway)
running axles; carrying axles; idle axles
trailing axle
locomotive engine providing total adhesion
angenommener Totalschaden
constructive total loss
running costs
final total
gesamt, ganz
total assets
total supply
total circulation
grand total
total amount
gesamte Ausfuhr
total exports
total deposits
total receipts
Gesamtertrag, Vorgabe
total return
Gesamtfertigungszeit, Auftragszeit
total process time
total gain
total market
total demand
total utility
total production
total coverage
total debt
Gesamtsumme, Endsumme
sum total
total system
total liabilities
Gesamtverdienst aus Akkordarbeit
total piecework earnings
Gesamtverlust, Totalverlust
total loss
gesamtwirtschaftliche Nachfrage
total demand
laufende Kalendertage
running days
laufende Maschine
running machine
laufende Rechnung
running account
laufender Kontostand
running total
running time
nur gegen Totalverlust
total loss only
running time
Risiko des Auf-Grund-Laufens
risk of running aground
Summe der Aufträge
total work in hand
tatsächlicher Gesamtschaden
actual total loss
tatsächlicher Gesamtverlust
actual total loss
tatsächlicher Totalschaden
actual total loss
Totalschaden, Totalverlust
total loss
variable Kosten
running costs
völlige Erwerbsunfähigkeit
total disability
total disability
Wahrscheinlichkeit des totalen Verlusts
probability of total failure
wirklicher Gesamtverlust
actual total loss
Ableitung f math.
Ableitungen pl
totale Ableitung f
partielle Ableitung f
Ableitung der Funktion f, f', f Strich
Zeitableitung einer Funktion
total derivative
partial derivative
f', f-prime, derivative of function f
time derivative of a function
Amokläufer m, Amokläuferin f
person running amok
mittlerer Anteil voll geprüfter Lose
average total inspection
Aschenbahn f sport
Aschenbahnen pl
dirt track, cinder track, running track
dirt tracks, cinder tracks, running tracks
Backstag n naut.
preventer, running backstay
Betriebskosten pl
running costs
Betriebsparameter m
Betriebsparameter pl
operational parameter, running parameter
operational parameters, running parameters
Bilanzsumme f
Bilanzsummen pl
balance sheet total
balance sheet totals
Einfahren n (eines Systems)
Einwohnerzahl f
number of inhabitants, (total) population
Endbetätigungskraft f
total over-travel force
Endbetrag m
Endbeträge pl
final amount, total amount
final amounts, total amounts
Ende n, Zweck m, Ziel n (von)
letztes Ende
am Ende seiner Kraft
am Ende der Geschichte
am oberen Ende
am Ende seiner Künste sein
ein Ende machen
am Ende sein
einer Sache ein Ende machen
das Ende vom Lied
mit dem Ende nach vorne, mit dem Ende zuerst
mit den Enden aneinander
gegen Ende seiner Tage
end (of)
fag end
at the end of one's tether
at the end of the story
at the head
to be at one's wits end
to put an end to
to be running on empty
to put a stop to sth.
the end of the story
endwise, endways
end to end, endwise
in his declining days
Endsumme f
Endsummen pl
Fahrtlichter pl naut.
Fahrtenschreiber pl
running lights
Finsternis f, Verfinsterung f astron.
Finsternisse pl, Verfinsterungen pl
totale Finsternis
total eclipse
Fließwasser n
running water
Gang m, Arbeitsgang m
running, working, action, operation
im Gange
in vollem Gange
im Gange sein
noch zu erledigende Arbeit
in progress
in full progress
to be running, to be working, to be under way, to be in progress
work still in progress
Gelaufe n
running around
over-all, total
Gesamtabsatz m econ.
total sales
Gesamtabfluss m
total runoff
Gesamtausgaben pl
total spend
Gesamtauflage f einer Zeitung
total circulation
Gesamtauflage f eines Buches
total number of copies published
Gesamtbetrag m
Gesamtbeträge pl
gross amount, total, total amount
sum totals
Gesamtbetriebskosten pl, Anschaffungs- und Betriebskosten pl econ.
total cost of ownership (TCO)
Gesamtbevölkerung f
total population
Gesamtbewertung f
total evaluation
Gesamteinkommen n
total income
Gesamteinnahme f
total receipts
Gesamtenergiebilanz f
Gesamtenergiebilanzen pl
total energy balance
total energy balances
Gesamtentschädigung f
total compensation
Gesamtertrag m
total proceeds
Gesamtgewicht n
zulässiges Gesamtgewicht (eines Fahrzeuges)
total weight, laden weight
gross train weight, gross vehicle weight (GVW), permissible total weight
Gesamthärte f
total hardness
Gesamtkosten pl
durchschnittliche Gesamtkosten
total costs, overall costs
average total cost
Gesamtlänge f
overall length, total length
Gesamtleistung f (eines Betriebes)
total output
Gesamtmarkt m
total market
Gesamtproduktion f
total production
Gesamtprojektkostenschätzung f
total project costs estimate
Gesamtrechnung f
total account
Gesamtrechnungsbetrag m
Gesamtrechnungsbeträge pl
total billing amount
total billing amounts
Gesamtschwindung f
total shrinkage
Gesamtsumme f
grand total
Gesamtsumme f
sum total
Gesamtsumme f
Gesamtsummen pl
total amount
total amounts
Gesamtverformung f
zulässige Gesamtverformung
total deformation
permissble total deformation
Gesamtwert m
Gesamtwerte pl
total value
total values
Gewässer n
fließendes Gewässer
heimische Gewässer
seichtes Gewässer
stehendes Gewässer
stretch of water, waters
stretch of running water
home waters
shallow waters
stretch of standing water, standing waters, stagnant water body
Kandidat für die Vizepräsidentschaft
running mate
Kolumnentitel m
running title
Kosten pl, Ausgabe f, Aufwand m, Spesen pl, Unkosten pl ugs. fin.
Kosten pl, Ausgaben pl, Aufwendungen pl, Auslagen pl
allgemeine Kosten
auf Kosten von
auf meine Kosten
laufende Kosten, laufende Ausgaben
abzugsfähige Ausgaben, Spesen
rasant steigende Kosten
verrechnete Kosten
einmalige Ausgaben
zusätzliche Kosten
kleine Auslagen
mit großen Kosten
zu enormen Kosten
Kosten senken
Kosten umlegen
sich in Unkosten stürzen ugs.
sich in große Unkosten stürzen ugs.
Kosten sparend, kostensparend alt
die Kosten übernehmen, die Kosten tragen (für)
expense, cost
overhead charges
at the expense of
at my expense
current expenses, running costs
allowable expenses
soaring costs
allocated costs
non-recurring expenses
additional costs
petty expenses
at great expense
at vast expense
to reduce costs
to split costs
to go to expense
to incur heavy expenses
cost-saving, at low cost
to bear the expense, bear the costs, to accept the costs (of)
Laufachse f
Laufachsen pl
running axle
running axles
Lauffläche f
Laufflächen pl
running surface
running surfaces
Laufrad n techn.
Laufräder pl
running wheel
running wheels
Laufrichtung f
Laufrichtungen pl
running direction
running directions
Laufschiene f
Laufschienen pl
running rail, guide rail
running rails, guide rails
Laufsitz m
running fir
Laufzeit f
running time
Leitungsführung f
running of cables
Masse f
kritische Masse
gefederte Masse
gesamtgefederte Masse
ungefederte Masse
mass, masses
critical mass
sprung mass
total sprung mass
unsprung mass
Millionenschaden m
damage running into millions
Mittelstreckenlauf m sport
Mittelstreckenläufe pl
middle-distance race, middle-distance running
middle-distance races, middle-distance runnings
Mondfinsternis f astron.
totale Mondfinsternis
lunar eclipse, eclipse of the moon
total eclipse of the moon
Nachlaufregelung f techn.
after-running controller
Prüfsumme f
gibberish total
Prüfsumme f
hash total
Prüfsumme f
proof total
Rechnungsbetrag m, Andienungspreis m
amount invoiced, invoice amount, invoice total, billing amount
Reifen m
Reifen pl
platter Reifen
abgefahrener Reifen
abgewerteter Reifen
feinprofilierter Reifen
gewachsener Reifen
nachgeschnittener Reifen
nachschneidbarer Reifen
profilloser Reifen, Reifen ohne Profil
profilloser Reifen
runderneuerter Reifen
schlauchloser Reifen
unvulkanisierter Reifen
verstärkter Reifen
Reifen einer Handelsmarke
Belastung pro Reifen
Reifen mit Notlaufeigenschaften
Reifen mit zu hohem Luftdruck
Reifen für landwirtschaftliche Geräte
tyre, tire Am.
tyres, tires Am.
flat tyre
bald tyre, smooth tyre, worn tyre
downgraded tyre
siped tyre
grown tyre
mud and snow tyre (M+S)
recut tyre, regrooved tyre
regroovable tyre
plain tread tyre, plain tyre, slick tyre
smooth tread tyre (slick)
remoulded tyre, retread tyre
tubeless tyre
green tyre, uncured cover
extra ply tire Am., reinforced tyre
private brand tyre
load per tyre
tyre with running flat properties
overinflated tyre
implement tyre
Rennen n
running, racing
(Auto) zu Schrott fahren, schrottreif fahren
to write off, to total Am.
Selbstkosten pl econ.
cost of sales, cost of goods sold, total production cost
Sonnenfinsternis f astron.
Sonnenfinsternisse pl
totale Sonnenfinsternis
solar eclipse, eclipse of the sun
solar eclipses
total eclipse of the sun
Spießrutenlauf m
Spießruten laufen
gauntlet, gantlet, gauntlet running
to run the gauntlet
Start m
Starts pl
fliegender Start
stehender Start
start, starting
starts, startings
running start, flying start, rolling start
standing start
Summe f
Summenzeile f
total line
Tag m
Tage pl
pro Tag
Tag um Tag, Tag für Tag
von Tag zu Tag
Tag und Nacht
bis zum heutigen Tag
Tag der Abrechnung
Tag der offenen Tür
Tag der Rache
seinen großen Tag haben
einen schwarzen Tag haben
Tag, an dem alles schief geht
den ganzen Tag
den lieben langen Tag
eines Tages, einmal
einen Tag frei nehmen
unter Tage arbeiten
der größte Teil des Tages
in früheren Tagen, in alten Zeiten
zu seiner Zeit, zu ihrer Zeit
vier Tage hintereinander
den Tag nutzen
heiße Tage
Tag des jüngsten Gerichts, der Jüngste Tag relig.
per day, daily
day after day, day by day
from day to day
day and night
down to the present day
day of reckoning
open house day
day of reckoning
to have a field day
to strike a bad patch
bad hair day
all day long
the whole blessed day
one day, some day
to take a day off
to work underground
most of the day
in days of yore
in his day, in her day
four days running
to seize the day
dog days
doomsday, Judgment Day, Day of Judgement, the Last Day
Totalpivotisierung f math.
complete pivoting, total pivoting
total station
Totalverlust m
wirklicher Totalverlust
total loss
actual total loss
Versuch m
Waffenschmuggel m
gun running
Wasser n
über Wasser
hartes Wasser
weiches Wasser
destilliertes Wasser, Aqua purificata
fließendes Wasser
stehendes Wasser
gebundenes Wasser
dystrophes Wasser
drückendes Wasser
entspanntes Wasser
entbastes Wasser
schweres Wasser, Schwerwasser n, Deuterium n phys.
auf dem Wasser, zu Wasser
jdm. nicht das Wasser reichen können übtr.
hard water
soft water
purified water, distilled water, aqua purificata
running water
stagnant water
combined water
dystrophic water
pressing water
wetted water
decationized water
deuterium, heavy hydrogen, heavy water
can't hold a candle to sb. fig.
Wasserlaufen n
running water, running of water
Wettbewerbsverbot n
no-competition clause, total restraint of trade
Zeitnot f
in Zeitnot sein
in Zeitnot geraten
shortage of time
to be pressed for time, to be running out of time, to be under time pressure
to start running out of time
Zusatzsumme f
additional total
Zwischensumme f
Zwischensummen pl
batch total
batch totals
abfließen v
to flow off, to run off
flowing off, running off
flowed off, run off
running up
to run against
running against
run against
anstoßen, anfahren, rammen
anstoßend, anfahrend, rammend
angestoßen, angefahren, gerammt
to hit, to run into
hitting, running into
hit, run into
anwachsen auf v (Betrag)
anwachsend auf
anwachsen auf
to run up to
running up to
run up to
auflaufen, auf Grund laufen, aufsitzen
auflaufend, aufsitzend
aufgelaufen, aufgesessen
to run aground
running aground
run aground
ausgehen, leer werden v
ausgehend, leer werdend
ausgegangen, leer geworden
to run dry
running dry
run dry
ausreißen v
to sheer, to run away
sheering, running away
sheered, run away
sich austoben, toben
sich austobend, tobend
ausgetobt, getobt
to riot, to run riot
rioting, running riot
rioted, run riot
austrocknen, leer werden
austrocknend, leer werdend
ausgetrocknet, leer geworden
to run dry
running dry
run dry

Deutsche laufender Kontostand Synonyme

Kontostand  ÂSaldo  
Kontosalden  ÂKontosaldo  ÂKontostand  
Kontostand  Saldo  

Englische running total Synonyme

running total Definition

(a.) Straight
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Run
(a.) Moving or advancing by running.
(a.) Having a running gait
(a.) trained and kept for running races
(a.) Successive
(a.) Flowing
(a.) Continuous
(a.) Extending by a slender climbing or trailing stem
(a.) Discharging pus
(n.) The act of one who, or of that which runs
(n.) That which runs or flows
(n.) The discharge from an ulcer or other sore.
(a.) Whole
(n.) The whole

running total Bedeutung

running away the act of leaving (without permission) the place you are expected to be
the act of running, traveling on foot at a fast pace, he broke into a run, his daily run keeps him fit
the act of participating in an athletic competition involving running on a track
run running running play
running game
(American football) a play in which a player attempts to carry the ball through or past the opposing team, the defensive line braced to stop the run, the coach put great emphasis on running
total hysterectomy surgical removal of the uterus and cervix
total parenteral nutrition
administration of a nutritionally adequate solution through a catheter into the vena cava, used in cases of long-term coma or severe burns or severe gastrointestinal syndromes
running the act of administering or being in charge of something, he has responsibility for the running of two companies at the same time
noose running noose
slip noose
a loop formed in a cord or rope by means of a slipknot, it binds tighter as the cord or rope is pulled
running board a narrow footboard serving as a step beneath the doors of some old cars
running shoe a light comfortable shoe designed for running
running stitch small, even, hand stitches run in and out
running suit a matching jacket and pants worn by joggers and made of fabric that absorbs perspiration
running light
light carried by a boat that indicates the boat's direction, vessels at night carry a red light on the port bow and a green light on the starboard bow
the whole amount
heat content
total heat
(thermodynamics) a thermodynamic quantity equal to the internal energy of a system plus the product of its volume and pressure, enthalpy is the amount of energy in a system capable of doing mechanical work
grand total the sum of the sums of several groups of numbers
sum amount
a quantity obtained by the addition of a group of numbers
total depravity the Calvinist doctrine that everyone is born in a state of corruption as a result of original sin
running head
running headline
a heading printed at the top of every page (or every other page) of a book
running title the title (or a shortened title) of a book used as a running head
running hand
cursive script
rapid handwriting in which letters are set down in full and are cursively connected within words without lifting the writing implement from the paper
flying start
running start
a quick and auspicious beginning
flying start running start a racing start in which the contestants are already in full motion when they pass the starting line
total eclipse an eclipse as seen from a place where the eclipsed body is completely obscured
sum total
the final aggregate, the sum of all our troubles did not equal the misery they suffered
running back (football) a back on the offensive team (a fullback or halfback) who tries to advance the ball by carrying it on plays from the line of scrimmage
running mate a nominee for the lesser of two closely related political offices
love-in-a-mist running pop
wild water lemon
Passiflora foetida
tropical American passion flower with finely dissected bracts, stems malodorous when crushed
scarlet runner running postman
Kennedia prostrata
hairy trailing or prostrate western Australian vine with bright scarlet-pink flowers
dewberry bush
running blackberry
any of several trailing blackberry brambles especially of North America
running pine
Lycopodium clavitum
a variety of club moss
total darkness
pitch blackness
total absence of light, they fumbled around in total darkness, in the black of night
running the state of being in operation, the engine is running smoothly
global aphasia
total aphasia
loss of all ability to communicate
running time the length of time that a movie or tv show runs
total damage beyond the point of repair, My son totaled our new car, the rock star totals his guitar at every concert
b total
tot up
sum up summate
tote up
add together
add up
determine the sum of, Add all the people in this town to those of the neighboring town
add up come amount
add up in number or quantity, The bills amounted to $,, The bill came to $,
entire full total constituting the full quantity or extent, complete, an entire town devastated by an earthquake, gave full attention, a total failure
complete in extent or degree and in every particular, a full game, a total eclipse, a total disaster
running(a) continually repeated over a period of time, a running joke among us
(of e.g. a machine) performing or capable of performing, in running (or working) order, a functional set of brakes
running(a) executed or initiated by running, running plays worked better than pass plays, took a running jump, a running start
running(a) (of fluids) moving or issuing in a stream, as mountain stream with freely running water, hovels without running water
running(a) of advancing the ball by running, the team's running plays worked better than its pass plays
measured lengthwise, cost of lumber per running foot
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