
Deutsche Seziermesser Synonyme

Seziermesser  ÂSkalpell  
Seziermesser  Skalpell  

Englische scalpel Synonyme

scalpel Definition

(n.) A small knife with a thin, keen blade, -- used by surgeons, and in dissecting.

scalpel Bedeutung

scalpel a thin straight surgical knife used in dissection and surgery
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A scalpel, or lancet, is a small and extremely sharp bladed instrument used for surgery, anatomical dissection, and various arts and crafts . Scalpels may be single-use disposable or re-usable. Re-usable scalpels can have permanently attached blades that can be sharpened or, more commonly, removable single-use blades. Disposable scalpels usually have a plastic handle with an extensible blade and are used once, then the entire instrument is discarded. Scalpel blades are usually individually packed in sterile pouches but are also offered non-sterile. Double-edged scalpels are referred to as "lancets".

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