
Deutsche Datenbankschema {n} Schema {n} [comp.] Synonyme

Modell  ÂSchema  ÂVorbild  
Anleitung  ÂFormel  ÂRezept  ÂSchema  
Entwurf  ÂGrundriss  ÂLayout  ÂPlan  ÂPlanung  ÂSchema  ÂSkizze  ÂVorlage  ÂZeichnung  
schema  alphabet  approach  arrangement  art  attack  blueprint  blueprinting  calculation  catalog  

Englische schema Synonyme

schema  alphabet  approach  arrangement  art  attack  blueprint  blueprinting  calculation  catalog  catalogue raisonne  charactering  characterization  chart  charting  choreography  conception  contrivance  conventional representation  dance notation  delineation  demonstration  depiction  depictment  design  device  diagram  disposition  drama  drawing  enterprise  envisagement  exemplification  figuration  figuring  foresight  forethought  game  graph  graphing  ground plan  guidelines  hieroglyphic  iconography  idea  ideogram  illustration  imagery  imaging  intention  layout  letter  limning  lineup  logogram  logograph  long-range plan  map  mapping  master plan  method  methodology  musical notation  notation  operations research  organization  outline  pictogram  picturization  plan  planning  planning function  portraiture  portrayal  prearrangement  prefigurement  presentment  printing  procedure  program  program of action  projection  rationalization  realization  rendering  rendition  representation  schedule  schematism  schematization  scheme  scheme of arrangement  score  script  setup  strategic plan  strategy  syllabary  symbol  system  systematization  tablature  table  table of contents  tactical plan  tactics  the big picture  the picture  way  working plan  writing  


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The word schema comes from the Greek word ????? , which means shape, or more generally, plan. The plural is ??????? . In English, both schemas and schemata are used as plural forms.