
shark Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Schlitzohr n, Schwindler m
Hai, gieriger Betrüger
aggressiver Kleindisconter m; kleines Geschäft n mit aggressiver Preispolitik econ.
baby shark
Haibarbe f (Balantiocheilus melanopterus) zool.
bala shark
Seidenhai m (Carcharhinus falciformis) zool.
silky shark
Haibarbe f (Balantiocheilus melanopterus) zool.
silver shark
Haiflossenfischen n; Shark-finning n
shark finning
Grundstückshai m
property shark
Flügelkopf-Hammerhai m (Eusphyra blochii) zool.
winghead shark
Hai m; Haifisch m zool.
Haie pl; Haifische pl
Fuchshai m; Drescherhai m (Alopias vulpinus) zool.
thresher shark
Hai m, Haifisch m zool.
Haie pl, Haifische pl
Grüner Fransenlipper m (Epalzeorhynchus frenatus) zool.
red finned shark
Weißhai m zool.
great white shark
Kredithai m übtr.
loan shark fig.
Junge n (Hund, Hai, ...)
pup (dog, shark, ...)
Haibarbe f (Balantiocheilus melanopterus) zool.
silver shark; bala shark
Hornhai m zool.
Hornhaie pl
horn shark
horn sharks
Feuerschwanz-Fransenlipper m (Epalzeorhynchus bicolor) zool.
red-tailed (black) shark
Zebrahai m; Leopardenhai m (Stegostoma fasciatum varium) zool.
Zebrahaie pl; Leopardenhaie pl
zebra shark
zebra sharks
Tigerhai m zool.
Tigerhaie pl
tiger shark
tiger sharks
Walhai m zool.
Walhaie pl
whale shark
whale sharks
Wieselhai m zool.
Wieselhaie pl
weasel shark
weasel sharks
Grundhai m zool.
Grundhaie pl
ground shark
ground sharks
Koboldhai m (Mitsukurina owstoni) zool.
Koboldhaie pl
goblin shark
goblin sharks
Schlitzohr n; Gauner m; Beutelschneider m (veraltet) ugs.
shark; rip-off artist; con-man
Schlitzohr n; Gauner m; Beutelschneider m veraltet ugs.
shark; rip-off artist; con-man
Weißhai m zool.
Weißhaie pl
great white shark
great white sharks
Immobilienhai m; Grundstückshai m pej.
Immobilienhaie pl; Grundstückshaie pl
property shark pej.
property sharks
Pangasius m zool. (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus)
iridescent shark; Siamese shark; sutchi catfish
Hundshai m (Galeorhinus galeus) zool.
school shark; soupfin shark; snapper shark; tope shark
Hammerhai m zool.
Hammerhaie pl
hammerhead, shovelhead (shark)
hammerheads, shovelhead sharks
Somniosus-Schlafhaie pl (Somniosus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Grönlandhai m; Eishai m (Somniosus microcephalus)
somniosus sleeper sharks (zoological genus)
Greenland shark; gurry shark
Heringshaie pl (Lamna) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Heringshai m (Lamna nasus)
Lachshai m (Lamna ditropis)
herring sharks (zoological genus)
porbeagle shark; porbeagle
salmon shark
den Bogen überspannen; übertreiben; zu weit gehen (Person oder Filmhandlung) v
Die Serie ist völlig unglaubwürdig geworden.
to jump the shark (of a person or film plot)
The series has jumped the shark.
Silberfischchen n (Lepisma saccharina) zool.
Silberfischchen pl
silverfish; fishmoth; carpet shark; paramite
silverfishes; fishmoths; carpet sharks; paramites
Falschspieler m (beim Kartenspiel)
Falschspieler pl
card sharp; card sharper; sharper; card shark
card sharps; card sharpers; sharpers; card sharks
Carcharhinus-Haie pl (Carcharhinus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Bronzehai m; Kupferhai m (Carcharhinus brachyurus)
carcharhinus sharks (zoological genus)
copper shark; narrowtooth shark; cocktail shark; bronze whaler shark; bronze whaler; bronzie coll.
Sphyrna-Hammerhaie pl (Sphyrna) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
kleiner Hammerhai m; Schaufelnasen-Hammerhai m (Sphyrna tiburo)
großer Hammerhai m (Sphyrna mokarran)
glatter Hammerhai m (Sphyrna zygaena)
gekerbter Hammerhai m; Bogenstirn-Hammerhai m
Kleinaugen-Hammerhai m (Sphyrna tudes)
Korona-Hammerhai m (Sphyrna corona)
Löffelkopf-Hammerhai m (Sphyrna media)
sphyma hammerhead sharks (zoological genus)
bonnethead shark; shovelhead
great hammerhead
smooth hammerhead
bronze hammerhead; kidney-headed hammerhead; Southern hammerhead
small-eye hammerhead; golden hammerhead
scalloped bonnethead

Deutsche Schlitzohr {n} Schwindler {m} Synonyme

Betrüger  Falschspieler  Schwindler  
Betrüger  Hochstapler  Schwindler  
Betrüger  Ganove  Gauner  Schwindler  
Früchtchen  (umgangssprachlich)  Schlawiner  (umgangssprachlich)  Schlingel  (umgangssprachlich)  Schlitzohr  (umgangssprachlich)  
Bauernfänger  (umgangssprachlich)  Betrüger  Ganove  (umgangssprachlich)  Gauner  Nepper  (umgangssprachlich)  Scharlatan  Schwindler  

Englische shark Synonyme

shark  Admirable Crichton  Loch Ness monster  Reptilia  adept  alevin  animal  anthropophagite  artisan  artist  attache  authority  barbarian  beast  benthon  benthos  blackmailer  bloodsucker  brute  bunco artist  bunco steerer  cannibal  cardsharp  cardsharper  carpetbagger  cetacean  con artist  con man  confidence man  connaisseur  connoisseur  consultant  cordon bleu  crack shot  craftsman  crimp  dead shot  destroyer  diplomat  diplomatist  dolphin  elder statesman  experienced hand  expert  expert consultant  extortionist  fingerling  fish  fry  game fish  graduate  grilse  handy man  harpy  horse coper  horse trader  hyena  jackleg  journeyman  kipper  land pirate  land shark  land-grabber  leech  man-eater  man-eating shark  marine animal  marksman  minnow  minny  mortgage shark  nekton  nihilist  no slouch  panfish  pettifogger  pitchman  plankton  politician  porpoise  predator  pro  professional  professor  proficient  profiteer  racketeer  raptor  salmon  savage  savant  sea monster  sea pig  sea serpent  sea snake  shakedown artist  sharp  sharper  sharpie  shortchanger  shyster  slicker  smolt  spieler  sponge  statesman  technical adviser  technician  tiger  tropical fish  vampire  vandal  vulture  whale  wild man  wrecker  

shark Definition

Basking shark
() One of the largest species of sharks (Cetorhinus maximus), so called from its habit of basking in the sun
(v. t. & i.) Any one of numerous species of elasmobranch fishes of the order Plagiostomi, found in all seas.
(v. t. & i.) A rapacious, artful person
(v. t. & i.) Trickery
(v. t.) To pick or gather indiscriminately or covertly.
(v. i.) To play the petty thief
(v. i.) To live by shifts and stratagems.

shark Bedeutung

shark repellent
porcupine provision
a measure undertaken by a corporation to discourage unwanted takeover attempts
shark any of numerous elongate mostly marine carnivorous fishes with heterocercal caudal fins and tough skin covered with small toothlike scales
cow shark
six-gilled shark
Hexanchus griseus
large primitive shark widely distributed in warm seas
mackerel shark fierce pelagic and oceanic sharks
mako shark
powerful mackerel shark of the Atlantic and Pacific
bonito shark
blue pointed
Isurus glaucus
common blue-grey shark of southwest Pacific, sport and food fish
great white shark
white shark
man-eating shark
Carcharodon carcharias
large aggressive shark widespread in warm seas, known to attack humans
basking shark
Cetorhinus maximus
large harmless plankton-eating northern shark, often swims slowly or floats at the sea surface
thrasher thresher shark
fox shark
Alopius vulpinus
large pelagic shark of warm seas with a whiplike tail used to round up small fish on which to feed
carpet shark
Orectolobus barbatus
shark of the western Pacific with flattened body and mottled skin
nurse shark
Ginglymostoma cirratum
small bottom-dwelling shark of warm shallow waters on both coasts of North America and South America and from southeast Asia to Australia
sand tiger
sand shark
Carcharias taurus
Odontaspis taurus
shallow-water shark with sharp jagged teeth found on both sides of Atlantic, sometimes dangerous to swimmers
whale shark
Rhincodon typus
large spotted shark of warm surface waters worldwide, resembles a whale and feeds chiefly on plankton
cat shark small bottom-dwelling sharks with cat-like eyes, found along continental slopes
requiem shark any of numerous sharks from small relatively harmless bottom-dwellers to large dangerous oceanic and coastal species
bull shark
cub shark
Carcharhinus leucas
a most common shark in temperate and tropical coastal waters worldwide, heavy-bodied and dangerous
sandbar shark Carcharhinus plumbeus most common grey shark along coasts of middle Atlantic states, sluggish and occasionally caught by fishermen
blacktip shark
sandbar shark Carcharhinus limbatus
widely distributed shallow-water shark with fins seemingly dipped in ink
whitetip shark oceanic whitetip shark
white-tipped shark
Carcharinus longimanus
large deep-water shark with white-tipped dorsal fin, worldwide distribution, most dangerous shark
dusky shark
Carcharhinus obscurus
relatively slender blue-grey shark, nearly worldwide in tropical and temperate waters
lemon shark
Negaprion brevirostris
common shallow-water schooling shark of the Atlantic from North Carolina to Brazil and off west Africa, dangerous
blue shark
great blue shark
Prionace glauca
slender cosmopolitan, pelagic shark, blue body shades to white belly, dangerous especially during maritime disasters
tiger shark
Galeocerdo cuvieri
large dangerous warm-water shark with striped or spotted body
soupfin shark
Galeorhinus zyopterus
Pacific shark valued for its fins (used by Chinese in soup) and liver (rich in vitamin A)
smoothhound shark
Mustelus mustelus
smooth dogfish of European coastal waters
whitetip shark reef whitetip shark
Triaenodon obseus
smooth dogfish of Pacific and Indian Oceans and Red Sea having white-tipped dorsal and caudal fins
hammerhead shark
medium-sized live-bearing shark with eyes at either end of a flattened hammer-shaped head, worldwide in warm waters, can be dangerous
bonnet shark
Sphyrna tiburo
small harmless hammerhead having a spade-shaped head, abundant in bays and estuaries
angel shark
angelfish Squatina squatina
sharks with broad flat bodies and winglike pectoral fins but that swim the way sharks do
card sharp
card sharper
card shark
a professional card player who makes a living by cheating at card games
shark a person who is unusually skilled in certain ways, a card shark
shark a person who is ruthless and greedy and dishonest
loan shark
someone who lends money at excessive rates of interest
shark oil
shark-liver oil
a fatty yellow to brown oil obtained from the livers of sharks, used for dressing leather and as a source of vitamin A
shark hunt shark
shark play the shark, act with trickery
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Carcharhiniformes Heterodontiformes Hexanchiformes Lamniformes Orectolobiformes Pristiophoriformes Squaliformes Squatiniformes ? Cladoselachiformes ? Hybodontiformes ? Symmoriida ? Xenacanthida