
stratification of plant communities Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Vegetationsschichtung f; Schichtung f der Vegetation; Schichtenaufbau m der Vegetation geogr.
stratification of plant communities; layering of plant communities
investment in plant and equipment
Auslastung des Betriebs
plant utilization
betriebliche Ausbildung
in-plant training
plant level
plant extension
printing plant
plant facilities
Maschinenausstattung einer Fabrik
equipment of a plant
Pflanze, Fabrik (US)
Tarifverhandlung auf Betriebsebene
plant bargaining
pilot plant
plant manager
Abfüllanlage f
Abfüllanlagen pl
bottling plant
bottling plants
Abpackbetrieb m
Abpackbetriebe pl
packing plant Am.
packing plants
Abwärmenutzungsanlage f, Abhitzeanlage f, Abhitzesystem n
Abwärmenutzungsanlagen pl, Abhitzeanlagen pl, Abhitzesysteme pl
waste heat recovery system, waste heat plant
waste heat recovery systems, waste heat plants
Abwasserreinigungsanlage f
Abwasserreinigungsanlagen pl
wastewater treatment plant, sewage works
wastewater treatment plants, sewage works
Abwasserverbrennungsanlage f techn.
Abwasserverbrennungsanlagen pl
liquid waste incineration plant
liquid waste incineration plants
Altpapieraufbereitungsanlage f
Altpapieraufbereitungsanlagen pl
waste paper treatment plant
waste paper treatment plants
Anlage f, Apparatur f
Anlagen pl, Apparaturen pl
Anlagenbau m
plant engineering, general plant construction
Anlagenbetriebstechnik f
plant operations engineering
Anlagenbuchhaltung f
plant record division
Anlagenkennzeichen n techn.
plant identification code
Anlagenkennzeichnung f techn.
plant identification
Anlagenlieferant m, Anlagenlieferer m
Anlagenlieferanten pl, Anlagenlieferer pl
plant vendor
plant vendors
Anlagensicherheits-Handbuch n
plant safety manual
Anlagenteil m
plant section, system section, installation section
Aufbereitungsanlage f
Aufbereitungsanlagen pl
Aufbereitungsanlage für Faul- und Biogase
treatment plant
treatment plants
treatment plant for fermentation gas and bio gas
Auslegungsleistung f (einer Anlage) mach.
(plant) design capacity, (plant) design output
Ausrüstung f
machinery, plant
Außendienst m, Außendienstorganisation f
agency plant
Baumwollpflanze f bot. agr.
Baumwollpflanzen pl
cotton plant
cotton plants
Be- und Entlüftungsanlage f
Be- und Entlüftungsanlagen pl
aeration plant
aeration plants
Betriebsleiter m
plant manager, works manager, factory manager
Betriebsleitung f
factory managemenet, plant management, works management
Bewässerungsanlage f
Bewässerungsanlagen pl
irrigation plant
irrigation plants
Biogasanlage f
Biogasanlagen pl
biogas plant
biogas plants
Biota f, Flora und Fauna einer Region
biota, all the plant and animal life of a particular region
Blattpflanze f bot.
Blattpflanzen pl
foliate plant
foliate plants
Blütenpflanze f bot.
Blütenpflanzen pl
flowering plant
flowering plants
Brecheranlage f, Zerkleinerungsanlage f techn.
Brecheranlagen pl, Zerkleinerungsanlagen pl
semi-mobile Brecheranlage
mobile Brecheranlage
stationäre Brecheranlage
transportable Brecheranlage
crushing plant
crushing plants
semi-mobile crushing plant
mobile crushing plant
stationary crushing plant
portable crushing plant
Dampfflutanlage f techn. (Öllagerstätte)
Dampfflutanlagen pl
steam flooding plant (for oil revervoirs)
steam flooding plants
Dampfkraftwerk n
Dampfkraftwerke pl
steam power plant
steam power plants
Elektrizitätswerk n
power station, power plant
Entaschungsanlage f techn.
Entaschungsanlagen pl
ash handling plant, ash removal, ash disposal
ash handling plants, ash removals, ash disposals
Entaschungsanlage f techn. (für Feuerungsraum)
Entaschungsanlagen pl
bottom-ash handling plant
bottom-ash handling plants
Entsalzungsanlage f
Entsalzungsanlagen pl
desalination plant, desalting plant
desalination plants, desalting plants
Fabrik f, Werk n, Werksanlage f
Fabriken pl, Werke pl, Werksanlagen pl
Fernwärmeanlage f
Fernwärmeanlagen pl
district heating plant
district heating plants
Fertigungsanlage f
Fertigungsanlagen pl
factory, foundry, production plant, manufacturing plant
factories, foundries, production plants, manufacturing plants
Gärtnerdienste pl
gardening and plant care
Gaswerk n
gas works, gas plant
Gefrieranlage f
Gefrieranlagen pl
freezing plant
freezing plants
Gemeinde f, Gemeinschaft f, Gemeinsamkeit f
Gemeinden pl, Gemeinschaften pl
Gewächs n
Gezeitenkraftwerk n
Gezeitenkraftwerke pl
tidal power plant, tidal power station
tidal power plants, tidal power stations
Giftpflanze f bot.
Giftpflanzen pl
poisonous plant
poisonous plants
Großanlage f mach. (Kesselbau)
Großanlagen pl
high-duty plant, high-duty unit
high-duty plants, high-duty units
Härterei f
hardening plant, hardening shop
Halophyt m, Salzpflanze f bot.
Halophyten pl, Salzpflanzen pl
salt-tolerant plant
salt-tolerant plants
Heilpflanze f
Heilpflanzen pl
medicinal plant
medicinal plants
Hilfsbetrieb m
Hilfsbetriebe pl
auxiliary plant
auxiliary plants
Hydrieranlage f
Hydrieranlagen pl
hydrgenation plant
hydrgenation plants
Industrieanlage f
Industrieanlagen pl
industrial plant
industrial plants
Kälteanlage f
Kälteanlagen pl
refrigerating plant
refrigerating plants
Kaffeepflanze f bot.
Kaffeepflanzen pl
coffee plant
coffee plants
Kesselanlage f
Kesselanlagen pl
boiler plant
boiler plants
Kieswerk n
Kieswerke pl
gravel plant
gravel plants
Kläranlage f
Kläranlagen pl
purification plant
purification plants
Klärwerk n, Kläranlage f
Klärwerke pl, Kläranlagen pl
sewage treatment plant, wastewater treatment plant
sewage treatment plants, wastewater treatment plants
Kletterpflanze f, Schlingpflanze f, Ranker m bot.
Kletterpflanzen pl, Schlingpflanzen pl, Ranker pl
climber, climbing plant
climbers, climbing plants
Kohlekraftwerk n
Kohlekraftwerke pl
coal-fired power plant
coal-fired power plants
Kokerei f
Kokereien pl
coking plant
coking plants
Korbblütler m, Komposite f bot.
composite, composite plant, composite flower
Kraftwerk n
Kraftwerke pl
power station, power plant
power stations, power plants
Kraftwerksblock m, Block m eines Kraftwerkes
Kraftwerksblöcke pl, Blöcke pl eines Kraftwerkes
power station unit, power plant unit, unit
power station units, power plant units, units
Kraftwerkstechnik f
power plant technology
Kübelpflanze f bot.
Kübelpflanzen pl
tub plant
tub plants
Küstenpflanze f bot.
Küstenpflanzen pl
coastal plant
coastal plants
Kulturpflanze f
Kulturpflanzen pl
cultivated plant
cultivated plants
Kunstschnee-Erzeugungsanlage f
Kunstschnee-Erzeugungsanlagen pl
artificial snow generating plant
artificial snow generating plants
Luftpflanze f bot.
Luftpflanzen pl
air plant
air plants
Mischanlage f
Mischanlagen pl
mixing plant
mixing plants
Montagewerk n
Montagewerke pl
assembly facility, assembly plant
assembly facilities, assembly plants
Moorpflanze f, Sumpfpflanze f, Helophyt m bot.
mire plant, bog plant
Müllverbrennungsanlage f
Müllverbrennungsanlagen pl
incinerator, (waste) incinerating plant
incinerators, incinerating plants
Müllverwertungsanlage f
Müllverwertungsanlagen pl
waste utilization plant
waste utilization plants
Musterbetrieb m
Musterbetriebe pl
model plant
model plants
Nachtschattengewächs n bot.
Nachtschattengewächse pl
plant of the Solanaceae family
Nahrungspflanze f
Nahrungspflanzen pl
food plant
food plants
Nutzpflanze f
Nutzpflanzen pl
(economically) useful plant
useful plants
Pflanze f bot.
Pflanzen pl
mehrjährige Pflanze, perennierende Pflanze, winterharte Pflanze
zweijährige Pflanze
einkeimblättrige Pflanze
zweikeimblättrige Pflanze
perennial plant, perennual
biennial plant, biennial
monocot, monocotyledon, liliopsid
dicot, dicotyledon, magnoliopsid
Pflanzenart f
plant species, species of plant
Pflanzenbehandlungsmittel n
plant protection product
Pflanzenfaser f
plant fibre, vegetable fibre
Pflanzenfresser m zool.
Pflanzenfresser pl
herbivore, herbivorous animal, plant eater
herbivores, herbivorous animals, plant eaters
Pflanzengewebe n, pflanzliches Gewebe bot.
plant tissue
Pflanzenkrankheit f bot.
Pflanzenkrankheiten pl bot.
plant disease
plant diseases
Pflanzenschutz m
protection of plant
Pflanzenwelt f
plant life
Pflanzenzüchter m, Pflanzenzüchterin f
Pflanzenzüchter pl, Pflanzenzüchterinnen pl
plant breeder
plant breeders
Pilotanlage f
Pilotanlagen pl
pilot plant
pilot plants
Produktionsanlage f, Produktionsfabrik f
Produktionsanlagen pl, Produktionsfabriken pl
Produktionsstätte f
Produktionsstätten pl
production plant, production area
production plants, production areas
Profilextrusionsanlage f
Profilextrusionsanlagen pl
extrusion profile plant
extrusion profile plants
Pumpspeicherkraftwerk n, Pumpspeicherwerk n electr.
Pumpspeicherkraftwerke pl, Pumpspeicherwerke pl
pumped-storage power plant, pumped-storage plant
pumped-storage power plants, pumped-storage plants
Punktpflanze f bot.
Punktpflanzen pl
dot plant
dot plants
Rauchgasentschwefelungsanlage f techn.
Rauchgasentschwefelungsanlagen pl
flue gas desulfurization plant
flue gas desulfurization plants
Rauchgasreinigungsanlage f techn.
Rauchgasreinigungsanlagen pl
flue gas cleaning plant
flue gas cleaning plants
Rizinus m, Rizinuspflanze f bot.
caster-oil plant, castor plant
Rosengewächs n bot.
Rosengewächse pl
rose, rosaceous plant
roses, rosaceous plants
Rückkühlanlage f, Rückkühlwerk n
Rückkühlanlagen pl, Rückkühlwerke pl
recooling plant
recooling plants
Rüstungsfabrik f
armament factory, munition plant
Samenpflanze f, Spermatophyte f bot.
Samenpflanzen pl, Spermatophyta pl
seed-bearing plant, spermatophyte
seed-bearing plants, spermatophyta
Schichtung f, Lagerung f geol.
Schichtungen pl
Schlinggewächs n
climbing plant
Schmarotzerpflanze f bot.
Schmarotzerpflanzen pl
parasitic plant
parasitic plants
Siebanlage f
Siebanlagen pl
sieving plant
sieving plants
Sinteranlage f techn.
Sinteranlagen pl
sinter plant
sinter plants
Sonnenkraftwerk n
solar power plant
Speicherkraftwerk n
storage power plant, storage power station
Spitzel m
plant slang
Stapelanlage f
Stapelanlagen pl
piling plant, piling
piling plants, pilings
Staude f
Stauden pl
perennial, herbaceous perennial plant
perennials, herbaceous perennial plants
Stranggussanlage f, Stranggußanlage f alt (Metallurgie)
Stranggussanlagen pl, Stranggußanlagen pl
continuous casting plant
continuous casting plants
Stratifizierung f
Sumpfpflanze f bot.
marsh plant
Tabak m, Tabakpflanze f bot.
tobacco (plant)
Topfblume f bot.
pot plant
Topfpflanze f bot.
Topfpflanzen pl
potted plant
potted plants
Transmutationsanlage f
Transmutationsanlagen pl
transmutation plant
transmutation plants
Treibhauspflanze f
hothouse plant
Trinkwasseraufbereitungsanlage f
Trinkwasseraufbereitungsanlagen pl
drinking water treatment plant
drinking water treatment plants
Versuchsanlage f
Versuchsanlagen pl
pilot plant, test plant
pilot plants, test plants
Verteidigungsgemeinschaft f
Verteidigungsgemeinschaften pl
Europäische Verteidigungsgemeinschaft
defence community Br., defense community Am.
defence communities, defense communities
European Defence Community (EDC)
Wärmeerzeugungsanlage f
Wärmeerzeugungsanlagen pl
heat generation plant, heat production plant
heat generation plants, heat production plants
Wasserentsalzungsanlage f
Wasserentsalzungsanlagen pl
water desalination plant
water desalination plants
Wasserkraftwerk n
Wasserkraftwerke pl
hydroelectric power plant, hydropower station
hydroelectric power plants, hydropower stations
Wasserpflanze f bot.
Wasserpflanzen pl
aquatic plant
aquatic plants
Werksleitung f
works management, plant management
Wiederaufbereitungsanlage f
Wiederaufbereitungsanlagen pl
recycling plant
recycling plants
Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft f
Wirtschaftsgemeinschaften pl
economic community
economic communities
Wirtspflanze f bot.
Wirtspflanzen pl
host plant, host
host plants, hosts
Zierpflanze f
Zierpflanzen pl
ornamental plant
ornamental plants
Zimmerpflanze f bot.
Zimmerpflanzen pl
indoor plant, houseplant
indoor plants, houseplants
Zwiebelgewächs n bot.
Zwiebelgewächse pl
bulbous plant
bulbous plants
anpflanzen, einpflanzen
anpflanzend, einpflanzend
angepflanzt, eingepflanzt
to plant
bepflanzen v
nicht bepflanzt
to plant
beschleunigen, zunehmen, forcieren, Fahrt aufnehmen v
beschleunigend, zunehmend, forcierend
beschleunigt, zugenommen, forciert
beschleunigt, nimmt zu
beschleunigte, nahm zu
den Vorgang beschleunigen
den Fortschritt beschleunigen
den Prozess beschleunigen
die Bewegung beschleunigen
das Wachstum einer Pflanze beschleunigen
die Abfahrt beschleunigen
to accelerate
to accelerate the process
to accelerate the progress
to accelerate proceedings
to accelerate the motion
to accelerate the growth of a plant
to accelerate one's departure

Deutsche Vegetationsschichtung {f}; Schichtung {f} der Vegetation; Schichtenaufbau {m} der Vegetation [geogr.] Synonyme

Flora  ÂPflanzenwelt  ÂVegetation  
vegetation  a wise passiveness  abeyance  apathy  botany  budding  burgeoning  catalepsy  catatonia  contemplation  

Englische stratification of plant communities; layering of plant communities Synonyme

stratification of plant communities Definition

Air plant
() A plant deriving its sustenance from the air alone
(pl. ) of Community
Dove plant
() A Central American orchid (Peristeria elata), having a flower stem five or six feet high, with numerous globose white fragrant flowers. The column in the center of the flower resembles a dove
(n.) A plant in new Zealand (Phormium tenax), allied to the lilies and aloes. The leaves are two inches wide and several feet long, and furnish a fiber which is used for making ropes, mats, and coarse cloth.
Ice plant
() A plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum), sprinkled with pellucid, watery vesicles, which glisten like ice. It is native along the Mediterranean, in the Canaries, and in South Africa. Its juice is said to be demulcent and diuretic
(n.) A vegetable
(n.) A bush, or young tree
(n.) The sole of the foot.
(n.) The whole machinery and apparatus employed in carrying on a trade or mechanical business
(n.) A plan
(n.) An oyster which has been bedded, in distinction from one of natural growth.
(n.) A young oyster suitable for transplanting.
(n.) To put in the ground and cover, as seed for growth
(n.) To set in the ground for growth, as a young tree, or a vegetable with roots.
(n.) To furnish, or fit out, with plants
(n.) To engender
(n.) To furnish with a fixed and organized population
(n.) To introduce and establish the principles or seeds of
(n.) To set firmly
(n.) To set up
(v. i.) To perform the act of planting.
(n.) A stalk or shoot of sugar cane of the first growth from the cutting. The growth of the second and following years is of inferior quality, and is called rattoon.
(a.) Eating, or subsisting on, plants
(n.) The act or process of laying in strata, or the state of being laid in the form of strata, or layers.
(n.) The deposition of material in successive layers in the growth of a cell wall, thus giving rise to a stratified appearance.
Water plant
() A plant that grows in water
(n.) A windflower.

stratification of plant communities Bedeutung

plant life
(botany) a living organism lacking the power of locomotion
plant closing act of shutting down operation of a plant
stratification the placing of seeds in damp sand or sawdust or peat moss in order to preserve them or promote germination
stratification the act or process or arranging persons into classes or social strata
plant virus a plant pathogen that is a virus consisting of a single strand of RNA
leaf bug
plant bug
small brightolored insect that feeds on plant juices
four-lined plant bug
four-lined leaf bug
Poecilocapsus lineatus
yellow or orange leaf bug with four black stripes down the back, widespread in central and eastern North America
tarnished plant bug
Lygus lineolaris
widespread plant and fruit pest
plant louse
any of several small insects especially aphids that feed by sucking the juices from plants
woolly aphid
woolly plant louse
secretes a waxy substance like a mass of fine curly white cotton or woolly threads
jumping plant louse
small active cicada-like insect with hind legs adapted for leaping, feeds on plant juices
plant hopper
related to the leafhoppers and spittlebugs but rarely damages cultivated plants
assembly plant a factory where manufactured parts are assembled into a finished product
bottling plant a plant where beverages are put into bottles with caps
chemical plant an industrial plant where chemicals are produced
electrical system electrical plant utility that provides electricity
mill manufacturing plant
a plant consisting of one or more buildings with facilities for manufacturing
heating system
heating plant
utility to warm a building, the heating system wasn't working, they have radiant heating
packing plant
a plant where livestock are slaughtered and processed and packed as meat products
periwinkle plant derivative an antineoplastic drug used to treat some forms of cancer
plant works industrial plant buildings for carrying on industrial labor, they built a large plant to manufacture automobiles
power station
power plant
an electrical generating station
recycling plant a plant for reprocessing used or abandoned materials
sewage disposal plant
disposal plant
a plant for disposing of sewage
steel mill
steel plant
steel factory
a factory where steel is made
stratification a layered configuration
plant something planted secretly for discovery by another, the police used a plant to trick the thieves, he claimed that the evidence against him was a plant
oyster plant
vegetable oyster
long white salsify
Kaplan Group
Association of Islamic Groups and Communities
Caliphate State
a Turkish terrorist group of fundamentalist Muslims with ties to al-Qaeda that operates in Germany, seeks the violent overthrow of the Turkish government and the establishment of an Islamic nation modeled on Iran
plant department
building department
the division of a business responsible for building and maintaining the physical plant
plant scientist
a biologist specializing in the study of plants
plant an actor situated in the audience whose acting is rehearsed but seems spontaneous to the audience
kingdom Plantae
plant kingdom
(botany) the taxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct plants
plant cell a cell that is a structural and functional unit of a plant
non-flowering plant a plant that does not bear flowers
plant order the order of plants
pot plant a plant suitable for growing in a flowerpot (especially indoors)
nonvascular plant
any of numerous plants of the division Bryophyta
nonflowering plant
plants having vascular tissue and reproducing by spores
seed plant
plant that reproduces by means of seeds not spores
flowering plant
plants having seeds in a closed ovary
monocarpic plant
monocarpous plant
a plant that bears fruit once and dies
plant family a family of plants
plant genus a genus of plants
leguminous plant
an erect or climbing bean or pea plant of the family Leguminosae
sensitive plant Mimosa sensitiva semilimbing prickly evergreen shrub of tropical America having compound leaves sensitive to light and touch
sensitive plant touch-me-not shame plant
humble plant
action plant
Mimosa pudica
prostrate or semi-erect subshrub of tropical America, and Australia, heavily armed with recurved thorns and having sensitive soft grey-green leaflets that fold and droop at night or when touched or cooled
winter sweet poison arrow plant
Acocanthera oblongifolia
Acocanthera spectabilis
medium-sized shrubby tree of South Africa having thick leathery evergreen leaves and white or pink flowers and globose usually two-seeded purplish black fruits
flamingo flower
flamingo plant
Anthurium andraeanum
Anthurium scherzerianum
commonly cultivated anthurium having bright scarlet spathe and spadix
taro plant
dasheen Colocasia esculenta
herb of the Pacific islands grown throughout the tropics for its edible root and in temperate areas as an ornamental for its large glossy leaves
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111 Bewertungen 5


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