
sum Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Resümee n
summary; résumé
Sumach m bot.
sumac; sumach
Perückensträucher pl (Cotinus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gewöhnlicher Perückenstrauch m; Gemeiner Perückenstrauch m; Europäischer Perückenstrauch m; Perückensumach m; Fisettholz n (Cotinus coggygria)
Amerikanischer Perückenstrauch m (Cotinus obovatus)
smoketrees; smokebushes (botanical genus)
common smoketree; European smoketree; purple smokebush; young fustic; dyer's sumac
American smoketree; American smokebush; American smokewood; chittamwood
Pistaziengewächse pl; Kaschugewächse pl; Sumachgewächse pl (Anacardiaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
anacardiaceous plants; cashew family; sumac family (botanical family)
Sumache pl; Schmacke pl (Rhus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Duftender Essigbaum m; Duftessigbaum m; Duftender Sumach m; Duftsumach m; Wohlriechender Sumach m (Rhus aromatica)
Essigbaum m; Hirschkolbensumach m; Kolbensumach m (Rhus typhina)
Eichenblättriger Giftsumach m; Behaarter Giftsumach m; Giftsumach m; Gifteiche f (Rhus toxicodendron Toxicodendron pubescens)
Gallensumach m; Chinesischer Essigbaum m (Rhus chinensis)
Gerbersumach m; Gerberbaum m; Gerberstrauch m; Gewürzsumach m; Sizilianischer Sumach m; Färberbaum m (Rhus coriaria)
Kahler Essigbaum m; Kahler Scharlachsumach m; Scharlachsumach m; Glatter Sumach m (Rhus glabra)
Kletternder Giftsumach m; Giftiger Efeu m; Giftefeu m (Rhus radicans)
Lackbaum m; Lacksumach m (Rhus verniciflua)
Orientalischer Lackbaum m; Lackbaum m; Lacksumach m; Firnissumach m (Rhus verniciflua)
Talgsumach m (Rhus succedanea)
Stinksumach m (Rhus trilobata)
Kalifornische Gifteiche f; Westliche Gifteiche f; Gifteiche f (Rhus diversiloba)
sumachs; sumacs (botanical genus)
fragrant sumac; aromatic sumac
vinegar tree; staghorn sumac
Atlantic poison oak; eastern poison oak
nutgall tree; Chinese gall; Chinese sumac
tanner's sumach; elm-leaved sumach; Sicilian sumac
smooth sumac; scarlet sumac; red sumac
eastern poison ivy; poison ivy
Chinese lacquer tree
Chinese lacquer tree; Japanese varnish tree
Japanese wax tree; wax tree
skunkbush sumac; skunkbush; stinking sumac; ill-scented sumac; three-leaf sumac
Pacific poison oak
Sumatrabuschwachtel f ornith.
Sumatran Hill Partridge
Bronzeschwanzfasan m ornith.
Sumatran Peacock-Pheasant
Sumatrabülbül m ornith.
Sumatran Bulbul
Sumatraschnäpperdrossel f ornith.
Sumatran Cochoa
Kastanienbauchtimalie f ornith.
Sumatran Wren Babbler
Sumatrablauschnäpper m ornith.
Sumatran Niltava
Sumatradrongo ornith.
Sumatran Drongo
Eiben pl (Taxus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
chinesische Eibe f (Taxus sumatrana)
europäische Eibe f; gemeine gewöhnliche Eibe f; Eibe f (Taxus baccata)
Florida-Eibe f (Taxus floridana)
Himalaja-Eibe f (Taxus wallichiana)
japanische Eibe f (Taxus cuspidata)
kanadische Eibe f (Taxus canadensis)
mexikanische Eibe f (Taxus globosa)
pazifische Eibe f (Taxus brevifolia)
yews; yew trees (botanical genus)
Chinese yew; Sumatran yew
European yew; English yew; common yew
Florida yew
Himalayan yew
Japanese yew
Canada yew; American yew; ground hemlock; shinwood
Mexican yew
Pacific yew; Western yew
Sumatra-Tiger m zool.
Sumatran tiger
Schnäpperdrosseln pl (Cochoa) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Java-Schnäpperdrossel f; Sunda-Schnäpperdrossel f (Cochoa azurea)
Purpurschnäpperdrossel f (Cochoa purpurea)
Smaragdschnäpperdrossel f (Cochoa viridis)
Sumatra-Schnäpperdrossel f (Cochoa beccarii)
cochoas (zoological genus)
Javan Cochoa
purple cochoa
green cochoa
Sumatran cochoa
Dicrurus-Drongos pl (Dicrurus) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Trauerdrongo ornith.
Bronzedrongo ornith.
Aldabradrongo ornith.
Andamanendrongo ornith.
Krähendrongo ornith.
Glanzdrongo ornith.
Philippinendrongo ornith.
Glanzfleckdrongo ornith.
Graubrustdrongo ornith.
Wallacedrongo ornith.
Gabeldrongo ornith.
Braunschwingendrongo ornith.
Haarbuschdrongo ornith.
Graudrongo ornith.
Geradschwanzdrongo ornith.
Königsdrongo ornith.
Bandschwanzdrongo ornith.
Flaggendrongo ornith.
Spateldrongo ornith.
Sumatradrongo ornith.
Mayottedrongo ornith.
Dicrurus drongos (zoological genus)
fork-tailed drongo
bronzed drongo
aldabra drongo
andaman drongo
crow-billed drongo
shining drongo
balicassio drongo
spangled drongo
white-bellied drongo
wallacean drongo
crested drongo
comoro drongo
hair-crested drongo
ashy drongo
square-tailed drongo
black drongo
New Ireland drongo
greater racquet-tailed drongo
lesser racquet-tailed drongo
Sumatran drongo
mayotte drongo
Eibenbäume pl; Eiben pl (Taxus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
chinesische Eibe f (Taxus sumatrana)
europäische Eibe f; gemeine gewöhnliche Eibe f; Eibe f (Taxus baccata)
Florida-Eibe f (Taxus floridana)
Himalaya-Eibe f; Himalaja-Eibe f (Taxus wallichiana)
japanische Eibe f (Taxus cuspidata)
kanadische Eibe f (Taxus canadensis)
mexikanische Eibe f (Taxus globosa)
pazifische Eibe f (Taxus brevifolia)
yew trees; yews (botanical genus)
Chinese yew; Sumatran yew
European yew; English yew; common yew
Florida yew
Himalayan yew
Japanese yew
Canada yew; American yew; ground hemlock; shinwood
Mexican yew
Pacific yew; Western yew
Kiefern pl; Forlen pl Süddt.; Föhren pl Süddt. Ös. (Pinus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Einnadelige Kiefer f; Einblättrige Kiefer f; Nusskiefer f (Pinus monophylla)
Gemeine Kiefer f; Waldkiefer f; Weißkiefer f; Rotföhre f; Forche f (Pinus sylvestris)
Italienische Steinkiefer f; Mittelmeerkiefer f; Schirmkiefer f; Pinie f (Pinus pinea)
Bergkiefer f (Pinus mugo)
Latschenkiefer f; Latsche f; Legkiefer f; Legföhre f; Krummholzkiefer f; Krüppelkiefer f (Pinus mugo subsp. mugo)
Aufrechte Bergkiefer f; Hakenkiefer f; Spirke f (Pinus mugo subsp. uncinata)
Moor-Bergkiefer f; Moorspirke f (Pinus mugo subsp. rotundata)
Gelbkiefer f; Goldkiefer f; Ponderosa-Kiefer f (Pinus ponderosa)
Grannenkiefer f (Pinus aristata)
Japanische Zwergkiefer f; Zwergkiefer f (Pinus pumila)
Küstenkiefer f; Murraykiefer f; Drehkiefer f (Pinus contorta)
Pechkiefer f (Pinus rigida)
Weymouth(s)kiefer f; Strobe f (Pinus strobus)
Zirbelkiefer f; Zirbel f; Zirbe f; Zirm f; Arbe f; Arve f (Pinus cembra)
Aleppo-Kiefer f (Pinus halepensis)
Amerikanische Rotkiefer f (Pinus resinosa)
Chinesische Rotkiefer f (Pinus tabuliformis)
Emodi-Kiefer f (Pinus roxburghii)
Huangshan-Kiefer f (Pinus hwangshanensis)
Japanische Rotkiefer f (Pinus densiflora)
Japanische Schwarzkiefer f (Pinus thunbergii)
Kanarische Kiefer f; Kanarenkiefer f (Pinus canariensis)
Masson-Kiefer f (Pinus massoniana)
Merkus-Kiefer f (Pinus merkusii)
Okinawa-Kiefer f (Pinus luchuensis)
Östliche Mittelmeerkiefer f; Kalabrische Kiefer f; Türkische Kiefer f (Pinus brutia)
Philippinenkiefer f (Pinus kesiya)
Sandkiefer f (Pinus clausa)
Schlangenhaut-Kiefer f; Panzerkiefer f; Lorica-Kiefer f (Pinus heldreichii)
Schwarzkiefer f; Schwarzföhre f (Pinus nigra)
Seestrandkiefer f; Strandkiefer f; Seekiefer f; Meerkiefer f; Bordeaux-Kiefer f; Igelkiefer f; Sternkiefer f (Pinus pinaster)
Sikang-Kiefer f (Pinus densata)
Strauchkiefer f; Banks-Kiefer f (Pinus banksiana)
Taiwanesische Rotkiefer f; Taiwankiefer f (Pinus taiwanensis)
Tenasserim-Kiefer f (Pinus latteri)
Tropenkiefer f (Pinus tropicalis)
Virginia-Kiefer f; Jersey-Kiefer f (Pinus virginiana)
Yunnan-Kiefer f (Pinus yunnanensis)
pines (botanical genus)
single-leaf pinyon
Scots pine
stone pine; pine
dwarf mountain pine; scrub mountain pine, Swiss mountain pine; mountain pine
mugo mountain pine
uncinata mountain pine
rotundata mountain pine
Western yellow pine; blackjack pine; bullpine; ponderosa pine
Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine
Japanese stone pine; Siberian dwarf pine; dwarf stone pine; creeping pine
lodgepole pine; lodgepole; shore pine; twisted pine
pitch pine
Eastern Northern white pine; white pine; soft pine; Weymouth pine
Swiss stone pine; Swiss pine; arolla pine
Aleppo pine
red pine
Chinese red pine
chir pine
Huangshan pine
Japanese red pine
Japanese black pine, Japanese pine
Canary Island pine
Masson's pine; horsetail pine
Sumatran pine
Okinawa pine; Luchu pine
East Mediterranean pine; Calabrian pine; Turkish pine
Khasi pine
sandhill pine; sand pine
Bosnian pine
black pine
maritime pine; cluster pine
Sikang Pine
Jack pine; grey pine; scrub pine
Taiwan red pine; Formosan pine
Tenasserim pine
tropical pine
Virginia pine; Jersey pine
Yunnan Pine
Sumbalaufhühnchen n ornith.
Sumba Button-Quail
Teysmanntaube f ornith.
Sumba Is Green Pigeon
Sumbakauz m ornith.
Sumba Boobook Owl
Sumbaraupenfänger m ornith.
Sumba Cicadabird
Sumbanektarvogel m ornith.
Sumba I Sunbird
Buschkäuze pl (Ninox) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Neuseeland-Kuckuckskauz m (Ninox novaeseelandiae)
Kleiner Sumbakauz m (Ninox sumbaensis)
hawk owls; boobook owls (zoological genus)
Tasmanian spotted owl southern boobook morepork
little Sumba hawk-owl; little Sumba boobook
Buschkäuze pl (Ninox) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Neuseeland-Kuckuckskauz m (Ninox novaeseelandiae)
Kleiner Sumbakauz m (Ninox sumbaensis)
hawk owls; boobook owls (zoological genus)
Tasmanian spotted owl, southern boobook, morepork
little Sumba hawk-owl; little Sumba boobook
Lilith (Gottheit der sumerischen Mythologie)
Lilith (god in Sumerian mythology)
Sumerer m; Sumererin f hist.
Sumerisch n; Sumerische (Sprache)
sumerisch adj
Sumerian {adj}
summa cum laude, mit höchstem Lob (akademische Bewertung)
summa cum laude
summa cum laude; mit höchstem Lob (akademische Bewertung)
summa cum laude
Übersicht f; Überblick m (über etw.); Abriss m; Konspekt n geh. +Gen.
jdm. einen kurzen Abriss der Ereignisse geben
rundown; recap; conspectus formal; summa archaic (on of sth.)
to give sb. a quick recap of the events
addierbar, aggregierbar adj
addierbar, aggregierbar
addierbar; aggregierbar adj
Summand m math.
Summanden pl
addend, summand
terms of the sum
Summand m math.
Summanden pl
addend; summand
terms of the sum
Zusammenfassung f
Zusammenfassungen pl
Kurzfassung f (in einem Geschäftsplan)
Kurzfassungen pl
executive summary
executive summaries
Sachbericht m adm.
Sachberichte pl
factual report; factual summary
factual reports; factual summaries
Zusammenfassung f
Zusammenfassungen pl
Zusammenfassend ist festzustellen lässt sich sagen dass ...
In summary ...
Krankenhausentlassungsbericht f; Entlassungsbericht f; Krankenhausentlassungsbrief m; Spitalsentlassungsbrief m Ös.; Entlassungsbrief m med.
Krankenhausentlassungsberichte pl; Entlassungsberichte pl; Krankenhausentlassungsbriefe pl; Spitalsentlassungsbriefe pl; Entlassungsbriefe pl
hospital discharge summary; discharge summary; hospital discharge letter; discharge letter
hospital discharge summaries; discharge summaries; hospital discharge letters; discharge letters
Zusammenfassung f
Zusammenfassungen pl
Kurzzusammenfassung f
Zusammenfassend ist festzustellen lässt sich sagen, dass …
summary; summation formal
brief summary; short summary; short abstract
In summary, …
im Schnellverfahren; summarisch adv adm.
im Schnellverfahren summarisch abgeurteilt werden
fristlos entlassen werden
to be summarily sentenced
to be summarily dismissed
summarisch adv; kurzgefasst adv; knapp adv
summarily {adv}
jdn. entlassen v (Arbeitsrecht)
jdn. aus dem Dienst entlassen
jdn. fristlos entlassen
aus dem Militärdienst entlassen werden
to dismiss sb. (labour law)
to dismiss sb. from service
to summarily dismiss sb.; to dismiss sb. without notice
to be dismissed from the military service
die Kürze
das Kürze
Zusammenfassung f
summarization eAm.; summarisation Br.
fasst zusammen
fasste zusammen
to summarize Am., to summarise Br.
summarizing, summarising
summarized, summarised
summarizes, summarizes
summarized, summarised
zusammenfassen v
fasst zusammen
fasste zusammen
to summarize eAm.; to summarise Br.
summarizing; summarising
summarized; summarised
summarizes; summarizes
summarized; summarised
Zusammenfassung f
sauber; schön adv (in der Ausführung)
sauber gefaltete Hemden
sauber frisierte Haare
etw. schön zusammenfassen
neatly folded shirts
neatly coiffed hair
to neatly summarize sth.
etw. (aus etw.) zusammenfassend zusammenstellen; etw. in einer Zusammenfassung zusammenstellen v übtr.
Material für eine Datenbank zusammenstellen
eine Zusammenfassung von einer Facharbeit machen
Ich habe die wichtigsten Punkte hier zusammengestellt.
to abstract sth. (from sth.) (summarize)
to abstract material for a database
to abstract an academic paper
I have abstracted the most important points here.
fasste zusammen
fasste zusammen, zusammengefasst
fasst zusammen
fristlose Kündigung
summary dismissal
master summary sheet
Anlagenkurztext m
assets summary
kurze Inhaltsangabe f, Ãœbersicht f
Inhaltsübersicht f
summary of the contents, outline
Installationsübersicht f
installation summary
Kurzfassung f
executive summary
Resümee n
summary, résumé

Deutsche Resümee {n} Synonyme

Analyse  ÂFazit  ÂResümee  ÂSchluss  ÂSchlussbemerkung  ÂSchlussbetrachtung  ÂSchlussfolgerung  ÂSchlusswort  ÂZusammenfassung  

Englische summary; résumé Synonyme

sum  account  add  add up  addend  affective meaning  aggregate  all  amount  amount of money  amplitude  batch  be-all and end-all  bearing  body  box score  budget  bulk  bunch  cast  cast up  chunk  cipher up  clutch  coloring  compute  condense  connotation  consequence  core  count  count up  deal  denotation  detail  difference  digest  dose  drift  effect  entirety  entity  epitome  essence  extension  extent  figure  figure up  foot  foot up  force  gist  gob  grammatical meaning  grand total  gross  gross amount  group  heap  hunk  idea  impact  implication  import  integral  integrate  intension  inventory  itemize  large amount  lexical meaning  literal meaning  lot  lump sum  magnitude  main point  mass  matter  meaning  measure  measurement  meat  mess  number  numbers  nutshell  overtone  pack  parcel  part  pertinence  pith  plus  plus sign  point  portion  practical consequence  product  purport  quantity  quantum  range of meaning  ration  real meaning  recap  recapitulate  recapitulation  recite  reckon up  reckoning  recount  reference  referent  rehearse  relate  relation  relevance  resume  round sum  run-through  rundown  scope  score  score up  semantic cluster  semantic field  sense  significance  signification  significatum  signifie  small amount  span of meaning  spirit  strength  structural meaning  structure  substance  subtotal  sum and substance  sum total  sum up  summarize  summary  summate  summation  summing-up  symbolic meaning  synopsize  system  tale  tally  tally up  tenor  the amount  the bottom line  the story  the whole story  tot  tot up  total  total up  totality  totality of associations  tote  tote up  transferred meaning  unadorned meaning  undertone  value  whole  whole amount  x number  
sum up  abbreviate  abridge  abstract  add up  battologize  bob  boil down  capsulize  cast up  cipher up  clip  compress  condense  contract  count up  crop  curtail  cut  cut back  cut down  cut off short  cut short  detail  digest  dock  elide  epitomize  figure up  fill  foot up  foreshorten  give an encore  go over  go through  inventory  itemize  iterate  mow  nip  nutshell  pad  poll  pollard  practice  prune  reaffirm  reap  reassert  recap  recapitulate  recite  reckon up  recount  reduce  rehash  rehearse  reissue  reiterate  relate  reprint  restate  resume  retail  retell  retrench  review  reword  run over  say over  say over again  score up  shave  shear  shorten  snub  stunt  sum  summarize  summate  synopsize  take in  tally up  tautologize  telescope  tot up  total  total up  tote up  trim  truncate  
summarily  PDQ  abruptly  apace  aphoristically  at once  briefly  brusquely  compendiously  concisely  crisply  curtly  decisively  directly  economically  expeditiously  forthwith  immediately  in brief compass  in no time  instanter  instantly  laconically  on the instant  on the spot  peremptorily  pithily  pointedly  precipitately  pretty damned quick  promptly  pronto  quickly  right away  right off  sententiously  shortly  smartly  sparely  speedily  straightaway  straightway  subito  succinctly  suddenly  swiftly  synoptically  tersely  with all speed  without delay  without further delay  without hesitation  without warning  
summarize  abbreviate  abridge  abstract  add up  battologize  bob  boil down  brief  capsule  capsulize  cast up  cipher up  clip  compress  condense  contract  count up  crop  curtail  cut  cut back  cut down  cut off short  cut short  detail  digest  dock  elide  epitomize  figure up  fill  foot up  foreshorten  give an encore  go over  go through  inventory  itemize  iterate  mow  nip  nutshell  outline  pad  poll  pollard  practice  prune  reaffirm  reap  reassert  recap  recapitulate  recite  reckon up  recount  reduce  rehash  rehearse  reissue  reiterate  relate  reprint  restate  resume  retail  retell  retrench  retrograde  review  reword  run over  say over  say over again  score up  shave  shear  shorten  sketch  sketch out  snub  stunt  sum  sum up  summate  synopsize  take in  tally up  tautologize  telescope  tot up  total  total up  tote up  trim  truncate  
summary  Spartan  abbreviated  abbreviation  abridged  abridgement  abridgment  abrupt  abstract  account  accounts  alert  apocope  aposiopestic  apt  body count  brief  brusque  capitulation  census  clipped  close  compact  compacted  compendious  compendium  compressed  compression  concise  condensation  condensed  consolidation  conspectus  contracted  copy  core  count  crisp  critique  curt  curtailment  curtal  curtate  cut  decisive  decurtate  digest  distillate  docked  drumhead  dwelling upon  elaboration  elision  ellipsis  elliptic  encapsulation  epigrammatic  epitome  epitomization  essence  expeditious  foreshortening  gist  gnomic  going over  head count  immediate  instant  instantaneous  inventory  iteration  laconic  little  low  main point  meat  nose count  outline  peremptory  perfunctory  pith  pithy  pointed  practicing  precis  prompt  pruned  punctual  quick  ready  reaffirmation  recap  recapitulation  recital  reckoning  recount  recountal  recounting  reduction  rehash  rehearsal  reissue  reiteration  repertory  reprint  reserved  restatement  resume  retelling  retrenchment  review  roundup  run-through  rundown  sententious  short  short and sweet  shortened  shortening  speedy  statement  substance  succinct  sum  sum and substance  summation  summing  summing up  summing-up  swift  syncope  synopsis  synopsized  synoptic  taciturn  telescoping  terse  tight  to the point  transient  truncated  truncation  
summation  abbreviation  abridgment  abstract  account  accounts  addend  aggregate  amount  apocope  argument  body count  box score  capitulation  cast  census  compression  condensation  conspectus  core  count  curtailment  difference  elision  ellipsis  epitome  essence  evidence  foreshortening  gist  head count  inventory  main point  meat  nose count  number  pith  plus  plus sign  precis  product  quantity  recap  recapitulation  reckoning  recount  recounting  reduction  rehearsal  repertory  resume  retrenchment  run-through  rundown  score  shortening  statement  substance  subtotal  sum  sum and substance  summary  summing  summing up  summing-up  syncope  synopsis  tale  tally  telescoping  testimony  the bottom line  the story  the whole story  total  truncation  whole  x number  
summer  aestival  arctic  autumn  autumnal  boreal  broiling sun  brumal  buy time  canicular  canicular days  consume time  dog days  equinoctial  fair weather  good old summertime  growing season  heat wave  hibernal  hiemal  high summer  hot wave  hot weather  humid weather  keep time  kill time  look for time  measure time  midday sun  midsummer  midwinter  muggy weather  occupy time  out of season  pass time  put in time  race against time  seasonal  solstitial  spend time  spring  springlike  stuffy weather  sultry weather  summerlike  summerly  summertide  summertime  summery  sunshiny weather  take time  take up time  use time  vernal  vertical rays  warm weather  weekend  winter  winterlike  wintery  wintry  work against time  
summer school  alternate  alternative school  blab school  boarding school  central school  consolidated school  continuation school  correspondence school  country day school  dame school  day school  evening school  extension  finishing school  free school  informal school  night school  nongraded school  open classroom school  pensionat  platoon school  private school  progressive school  public school  school without walls  special school  storefront school  street academy  union school  vacation school  
summer stock  Broadway  burlesque  carnival  circus  drama  entertainment industry  legit  legitimate stage  off Broadway  off-off-Broadway  playland  repertory drama  show biz  show business  stage world  stagedom  stageland  stock  strawhat  strawhat circuit  the boards  the footlights  the scenes  the stage  the theater  theater world  theatromania  theatrophobia  variety  vaudeville  
summerhouse  alcove  arbor  belvedere  bower  cloche  cold frame  conservatory  coolhouse  forcing bed  forcing house  forcing pit  gazebo  glasshouse  greenhouse  hotbed  hothouse  kiosk  lathhouse  nursery  orangery  pagoda  pergola  pinery  retreat  seedbed  
summery  aestival  arctic  autumn  autumnal  beryl-green  berylline  blood-hot  blood-warm  blue-green  bluish-green  boreal  brumal  calid  canicular  chartreuse  chloranemic  chlorine  chlorotic  citrine  citrinous  emerald  equatorial  equinoctial  foliaged  genial  glaucescent  glaucous  glaucous-green  grassy  green  green as grass  green-blue  greenish  greenish-blue  greenish-yellow  greensick  hibernal  hiemal  holly  ivy  ivy-green  leafy  leaved  luke  lukewarm  midsummer  midwinter  mild  olivaceous  olive  olive-green  out of season  porraceous  room-temperature  seasonal  smaragdine  solstitial  spring  springlike  subtropical  summer  summerlike  summerly  sunny  sunshiny  temperate  tepid  thermal  thermic  toasty  tropical  unfrozen  verdant  verdurous  vernal  vernant  vert  virescent  warm  warm as toast  warmish  winter  winterlike  wintery  wintry  yellowish-green  
summing up  account  accounts  argument  body count  capitulation  census  copy  count  critique  dwelling upon  elaboration  epitome  evidence  going over  head count  inventory  iteration  nose count  practicing  reaffirmation  recap  recapitulation  recital  reckoning  recount  recountal  recounting  rehash  rehearsal  reissue  reiteration  repertory  reprint  restatement  resume  retelling  review  statement  sum  summary  summation  summing  testimony  
summit  acme  acme of perfection  all  apex  apogee  audience  bargaining  bargaining session  brow  cap  capstone  ceiling  climax  cloud nine  conclave  confab  confabulation  conference  confrontation  congress  consultation  consummation  convention  council  council fire  council of war  crest  crown  culmen  culmination  discussion  edge  end  exchange of views  extreme  extreme limit  extremity  eyeball-to-eyeball encounter  heaven  heavens  height  high noon  high-level talk  highest degree  highest pitch  highest point  hilltop  huddle  interchange of views  interview  knoll  last word  limit  lofty peak  maximum  meeting  meridian  mountaintop  ne plus ultra  negotiations  news conference  no place higher  noon  nth degree  palaver  parley  peak  perfection  pic  pico  pike  pink  pink of perfection  pinnacle  pitch  point  pole  pourparler  powwow  precipice  press conference  ridge  roof  seance  session  seventh heaven  sitting  sky  spire  spur  summit conference  summitry  the whole  tip  tip-top  top  tor  ultimate  upmost  upper extremity  uppermost  utmost  utmost extent  uttermost  vertex  very top  zenith  
summon  appeal  arouse  ask  assemble  attract  be attractive  beckon  bid  bid come  bring forth  bring out  bring to light  call  call away  call back  call for  call forth  call in  call out  call together  call up  call up spirits  cite  command  commandeer  conjure  conjure up  conjure up spirits  conscript  convene  convoke  deduce  demand  derive  detach  detach for service  draft  drag out  draw forth  draw out  draw up  educe  elicit  engage  enjoin  enlist  enroll  evoke  fetch  gather  get from  get out of  get together  hold a meeting  hold a session  impress  indent  induce  induct  interest  invite  invoke  issue an invitation  join  levy  list  meet  mobilize  muster  muster in  muster up  obtain  order  order up  page  preconize  press  procure  raise  raise ghosts  recall  recruit  requisition  rouse  secure  send after  send for  serve  sign on  sign up  sit  stimulate  subpoena  summon forth  summon spirits  summon up  summons  tantalize  tease  tempt  tickle  titillate  wangle  wangle out of  whet the appetite  winkle out  work up  worm out  worm out of  
summon up  annoy  arouse  awake  awaken  bid come  blow the coals  blow up  bring about  bring back  bring forth  bring out  bring to light  bring to mind  call  call away  call back  call for  call forth  call in  call out  call to mind  call together  call up  cause  cite  conjure  conjure up  convene  convoke  deduce  demand  derive  drag out  draw forth  draw out  educe  elicit  enkindle  enrage  envisage  envision  evoke  excite  fan  fan the fire  fan the flame  feed the fire  fire  flame  foment  frenzy  get from  get out of  go back  go back over  hark back  heat  image  impassion  incense  incite  indent  induce  inflame  infuriate  inspire  invoke  just see  key up  kindle  lather up  light the fuse  light up  look back  madden  mind  move  muster  muster up  objectify  obtain  order up  overexcite  page  picture  preconize  procure  prompt  provoke  realize  recall  recall to mind  recapture  recollect  reevoke  reflect  remember  represent  requisition  retrace  retrospect  review  review in retrospect  revive  rouse  secure  see  see in retrospect  send after  send for  serve  set astir  set fire to  set on fire  steam up  stimulate  stir  stir the blood  stir the embers  stir the feelings  stir up  subpoena  summon  summon forth  summons  think back  think of  turn on  use hindsight  vision  visualize  wake  wake up  waken  wangle  wangle out of  warm  warm the blood  whip up  winkle out  work into  work up  worm out  worm out of  
summons  Angelus  Angelus bell  alarm  alarum  battle cry  beck  beck and call  bid  bid come  biddance  bidding  birdcall  bugle call  call  call away  call back  call for  call forth  call in  call out  call together  call up  call-up  calling  calling forth  certiorari  citation  cite  compulsory military service  conjure  conjure up  conscription  convene  convocation  convoke  demand  draft  draft call  drafting  engraved invitation  enlistment  enrollment  evocation  evoke  garnishment  habeas corpus  impressment  indent  induction  invitation  invite  invocation  invoke  last post  levy  mobilization  monition  moose call  muster  muster up  nod  order up  page  preconization  preconize  press  rallying cry  rebel yell  recall  recruiting  recruitment  requisition  reveille  selective service  send after  send for  serve  subpoena  summon  summon forth  summon up  taps  trumpet call  venire  venire de novo  venire facias  war cry  warrant  whistle  writ  writ of summons  
sump  artificial lake  baygall  bayou lake  bog  bottom  bottomland  bottoms  buffalo wallow  cesspool  cistern  cloaca  cloaca maxima  dam  dead water  dike  drain  dump  etang  everglade  farm pond  fen  fenland  fishpond  freshwater lake  garbage dump  glacial lake  glade  gutter  headchute  hog wallow  holm  inland sea  kennel  lagoon  laguna  lake  lakelet  landlocked water  linn  loch  lough  marais  marish  marsh  marshland  meadow  mere  millpond  millpool  mire  moor  moorland  morass  moss  mud  mud flat  nyanza  oxbow lake  peat bog  piscina  plash  pond  pondlet  pool  puddle  quag  quagmire  quicksand  reservoir  salina  salt marsh  salt pond  scupper  septic tank  sewer  sink  slob land  slough  sluice  sough  stagnant water  standing water  still water  swale  swamp  swampland  taiga  tank  tarn  tidal pond  volcanic lake  wallow  wash  water hole  water pocket  well  
sumpter  Siberian husky  ass  beast of burden  bidet  camel  carriage horse  cart horse  cavalry horse  draft animal  draft horse  dray horse  driving horse  dromedary  elephant  fill horse  filler  gigster  hack  hackney  hinny  horse  hunter  husky  jennet  jument  lead  leader  llama  malamute  mount  mule  ox  pack horse  palfrey  plow horse  pole horse  polo pony  post-horse  reindeer  remount  rider  riding horse  road horse  roadster  rouncy  saddle horse  saddler  shaft horse  sledge dog  stalking-horse  sumpter horse  sumpter mule  thill horse  thiller  wheeler  wheelhorse  workhorse  
sumptuous  Babylonian  Corinthian  awe-inspiring  awful  barbaric  bask  costly  dazzling  dear  dear-bought  deluxe  elaborate  elegant  exorbitant  expensive  extravagant  fancy  fine  glorious  gorgeous  grand  grandiose  high  high-priced  imposing  impressive  insolate  lavish  luscious  lush  luxuriant  luxurious  magnificent  majestic  noble  not affordable  of great cost  opulent  palatial  plush  posh  premium  pricey  princely  proud  regal  resplendent  rich  ritzy  royal  showy  splendacious  splendid  splendiferous  stately  steep  stiff  sun  sun-dry  sunbathe  sunburn  superb  superfancy  superfine  swank  swanky  swell  tan  top  unpayable  

sum Definition

sum Bedeutung

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