
to bring in sth Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

bringen, mitbringen
bring a
bring up
bring in
bring in
veranlassen zu
bring to
bring up
to bring
bring up
bring out
bring down
bring back
bring down
bring back
zuführen v (Material in die Abbaue) min.
to bring in
zustande bringen
bring about
bring along
to bring in
veranlassen zu
to bring to
to educate
to bring up
to bring up
to bring up
to bring up
verursachen, zuwege bringen
bring about
to bring out
bringen, herbeibringen
bring (irr.)
to bring down
bring forward
bring it down
bring to mind
to bring back
to bring down
zu Stande bringen, zustande bringen
to bring about
ans Licht bringen
bring to light
bring together
zustande bringen
to bring about
die Ware transportieren
bring the goods
zum Halten bringen
bring to a stop
in Einklang bringen
to bring in line
to bring it down
jdn. nach Hause holen; jdn. heimholen v soc.
to bring sb. home
ans Licht bringen, zu Tage fördern übtr.
to bring to light
ans Licht bringen
to bring to light
Anklage erheben
bring in an action
zum Halten bringen
to bring to a stop
zum Halten bringen v
to bring to a stop
bring up (a child)
etw. lebendig werden lassen v
to bring sth. alive
etw. lebendig werden lassen
to bring sth. alive
ein Kind grossziehen
to bring up a child
jdn. zur Raison bringen v soc.
to bring sb. to heel
to bring to an issue
Wiedervorlageverfahren n adm.
bring forward system
für den Verkehr freigeben
to bring into service
eine Anklage einbringen
bring in an accusation
etw. ans Licht bringen; etw. zutage zu Tage fördern übtr.
to bring sth. to light
etw. zuspitzen; etw. verschärfen v
to bring to a head sth.
etw. zuspitzen; etw. verschärfen
to bring to a head sth.
etw. entscheiden v
to bring sth. to an issue
jdn. etw. unter Kontrolle bringen
to bring so. sth. to heel
jdn. auf Draht bringen
to bring sb. up to scratch
jdn. zur Vernunft bringen, jdn. zur Besinnung bringen
to bring sb. to his senses
jdn. zur Vernunft bringen; jdn. zur Besinnung bringen v
to bring sb. to his senses
etw. für den Verkehr freigeben v
to bring sth. into service
jdn. bei der Stange halten v
to bring sb. up to scratch
Einsatz m privater Mobilgeräte am Arbeitsplatz
bring-your-own-device BYOD
to bring (brought,brought)
jdn. zur Vernunft bringen; jdn. zur Besinnung bringen
to bring sb. to his senses
jdn. bei der Stange halten
to bring sb. up to scratch
jdn. zurückpfeifen v übtr.
to bring back sb. into line
jdn. in schlechten Leumund bringen
to bring sb. into disrepute
sich zu etw. aufraffen; sich zu etw. aufschwingen v
to bring oneself to do sth.
sich zu etw. aufraffen
to bring oneself to do sth.
jdn. zurückpfeifen übtr.
to bring back sb. into line
jdn. zu Verantwortung ziehen; jdn. zur Rechenschaft ziehen
to bring call sb. to account
jdn. zu Verantwortung ziehen; jdn. zur Rechenschaft ziehen
to bring call so. to account
Bringen Sie mir doch bitte mal die Geraete.
bring me the tools,will you?
jdn. anklagen
to bring a charge against sb.
den Kohlenstoffgehalt von etw. erhöhen v (Metallurgie) techn.
to bring up sth. (metallurgy)
Bringen Sie mir doch bitte mal die Geräte.
Bring me the tools will you?
Bringen Sie mir doch bitte mal die Geräte.
Bring me the tools, will you?
jdn. anklagen v
to bring a charge against sb.
den Kohlenstoffgehalt von etw. erhöhen (Metallurgie) techn.
to bring up sth. (metallurgy)
Geld allein macht nicht glücklich.
Money doesn't bring happiness.
gerichtlich vorgehen
to bring an action against you
die dunkle Seite in jemandem wecken
bring out the worst in someone
jdn. steuerlich erfassen v adm.
to bring sb. within the tax net
jdn. etw. auf Vordermann bringen v ugs.
to bring sb. sth. up to scratch
etw. an die Öffentlichkeit bringen v
to bring sth. out into the open
jdn. (in etw.) hereinführen
to lead bring sb. (in into sth.)
jdm. etw. drastisch vor Augen führen; in dramatischer Weise bewusst machen (Sache) v
to bring home sth. to sb. (matter)
hinter Gittern, hinter Schloss und Riegel
hinter Gitter bringen
behind bars
to bring behind bars
hinter Gittern; hinter Schloss und Riegel
hinter Gitter bringen
behind bars
to bring behind bars
Klageberechtigter m; Klagsberechtigter m Ös. jur.
person entitled to bring an action
etw. stark hervortreten lassen; etw. stark hervorheben v
to bring put sth. into sharp relief
zur Sprache bringen
ein Thema zur Sprache bringen
to bring up
to bring up a subject
etw. stark hertreten lassen; etw. stark hervorheben
to bring put sth. into sharp relief
Darf ich das Problem ... zur Sprache bringen?
May I bring up the question of ...?
satt adj (beträchtlich) ugs.
satte Gewinne einfahren ugs.
big (huge)
to bring in big profits
gleichnamig machen (Brüche) math.
to bring down to a common denominator
etw. an die Öffentlichkeit bringen übtr.
to bring sth. out into th open fig.
gleichnamig machen v (Brüche) math.
to bring down to a common denominator
die Brötchen verdienen v ugs. übtr.
to bring home the bacon coll. fig.
rechtliche Schritte gegen jdn. einleiten; gegen jdn. rechtlich vorgehen; gegen jdn. ein Gerichtsverfahren anstrengen v jur.
to bring legal proceedings against sb.
aufziehen v
to bring up
bringing up
brought up
(alte Geschichte) auskramen
to bring up
bringing up
brought up
einbringen, hereinbringen, einfahren v
einbringend, hereinbringend, einfahrend
eingebracht, hereingebracht, eingefahren
to bring in
bringing in
brought in
erfolgreich sein; es schaffen
to bring home the bacon coll. fig.
die Brötchen verdienen ugs. übtr.
to bring home the bacon coll. fig.
vorbringen, heraufbringen v
vorbringend, heraufbringen
vorgebracht, heraufgebracht
to bring up
bringing up
brought up
vorbringen; heraufbringen v
vorbringend; heraufbringen
vorgebracht; heraufgebracht
to bring up
bringing up
brought up
etw. auf den neuesten Stand bringen
to bring sth. up to date, to update sth.
Alles neu macht der Mai! Sprw.
April showers bring May flowers! prov.
Der April macht die Blumen und der Mai hat den Dank dafür. Sprw.
April showers bring May flowers. prov.
to bring out
bringing out
brought out
to bring about, to lead to, to bring forth
Erinnerung f; Andenken n
Erinnerungen pl; Andenken pl
Erinnerungen wecken
to bring back memories
jdm. einen Dämpfer versetzen verpassen v übtr.
to bring take sb. down a peg (or two) fig.
herunterfahren v
to bring down
bringing down
brought down
Kunde f poet.; Nachricht f
gute Kunde Nachricht bringen
tidings poet.
to bring glad good tidings
herunterbringen, abschießen
to bring down
bringing down
brought down
wieder zu Bewusstsein bringen
wieder zu Bewusstsein bringend
wieder zu Bewusstsein gebracht
to bring round
bringing round
brought round
wieder zu Bewusstsein bringen v
wieder zu Bewusstsein bringend
wieder zu Bewusstsein gebracht
to bring round
bringing round
brought round
anschleppen; (unerwünscht) mitbringen v
anschleppend; mitbringend
angeschleppt; mitgebracht
to bring along
bringing along
brought along
to bring round
bringing round
brought round
anschleppen, (unerwünscht) mitbringen
anschleppend, mitbringend
angeschleppt, mitgebracht
to bring along
bringing along
brought along
herbeiführen v
to bring about
bringing about
brought about
jdm. einen Dämpfer geben
to take sb. down, to bring sb. down a peg or two
jdm. einen Dämpfer geben v
to take sb. down; to bring sb. down a peg or two
bewirken; nach sich ziehen v
bewirkend; nach sich ziehend
bewirkt; nach sich gezogen
to bring {brought; brought}
bewirken, nach sich ziehen v
bewirkend, nach sich ziehend
bewirkt, nach sich gezogen
to bring {brought, brought}
jdm. einen Dämpfer geben
to take sb. down; to bring sb. down a peg or two
etw. zu Ende bringen; etw. beenden v
to bring sth. to a close; to draw sth. to a close
etw. herausbringen v
to bring out () sth.
bringing out
brought out
etw. zu Ende bringen; etw. beenden
etw. zu Ende bringen; etw. beenden
to bring sth. to a close
to draw sth. to a close
Verruf m; Misskredit m
jdn. in Verruf Misskredit bringen
to bring sb. into disrepute bad repute
Schlussstrich m; Abschließen n; Abschluss m psych.
einen Schlussstrich unter eine Sache ziehen (Sache)
to bring closure to a matter (of a thing)
erfolgreich sein; es schaffen; das Rennen machen v
Er hat es geschafft.
to bring home the bacon
He brought home the bacon.
(eine alte Geschichte) auskramen v
to bring up (an old story)
bringing up
brought up
herunterdrücken v
to bring it down
bringing it down
brought it down
etw. hervorrufen; etw. auslösen; etw. verursachen v
to precipitate sth.; to bring on () sth.; to spark sth.
jdm. etw. bescheren
to bring, to give sb. sth.
to bring together
bringing together
brought together
zusammenbringen v
to bring together
bringing together
brought together
Erinnerung f, Andenken n
Erinnerungen pl, Andenken pl
zum Andenken an
Erinnerungen wecken
in memory of
to bring back memories
etw. mit etw. in Einklang bringen v
to bring sth. in line with sth.; to square sth. with sth.

Deutsche einreichen Synonyme

eingeben  einhändigen  einreichen  
einreichen  hereinreichen  hineinreichen  
Einreichplan  Plan  zum  Einreichen  
einreichen  hereinreichen  hineinreichen  

Englische bring Synonyme

to bring in sth Definition

(v. t.) To convey to the place where the speaker is or is to be
(v. t.) To cause the accession or obtaining of
(v. t.) To convey
(v. t.) To persuade
(v. t.) To produce in exchange

to bring in sth Bedeutung

bring to
bring back
bring round
bring around
return to consciousness, These pictures bring back sad memories
get engender
bring forth
make children, Abraham begot Isaac, Men often father children but don't recognize them
bring around cure
provide a cure for, make healthy again, The treatment cured the boy's acne, The quack pretended to heal patients but never managed to
bring up
cause to load (an operating system) and start the initial processes, boot your computer
bring into a different state, this may land you in jail
cut down
cut back trim
trim down
trim back
cut bring down
cut down on, make a reduction in, reduce your daily fat intake, The employer wants to cut back health benefits
bring out
set off
direct attention to, as if by means of contrast, This dress accentuates your nice figure!, I set off these words by brackets
bring home make understandable and clear, This brings home my point
bring down
visit impose
impose something unpleasant, The principal visited his rage on the students
bring round
bring around
cause to adopt an opinion or course of action, His urgent letter finally brought me around to give money to the school
bring induce or persuade, The confession of one of the accused brought the others to admit to the crime as well
b unwrap
let on
bring out reveal
discover expose divulge
give away
let out
make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret, The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold, The actress won't reveal how old she is, bring out the truth, he broke the news to her, unwrap the evidence in the murder case
bring out
put out
prepare and issue for public distribution or sale, publish a magazine or newspaper
mention advert bring up
name refer
make reference to, His name was mentioned in connection with the invention
raise bring up put forward for consideration or discussion, raise the question of promotions, bring up an unpleasant topic
call up bring forward bring forward for consideration, The case was called up in court
introduce bring out bring before the public for the first time, as of an actor, song, etc.
bring out get out take out of a container or enclosed space, Get out your best dress--we are going to a party!
join bring together cause to become joined or linked, join these two parts so that they fit together
get convey
go or come after and bring or take back, Get me those books over there, please, Could you bring the wine?, The dog fetched the hat
bring be accompanied by, Can I bring my cousin to the dinner?
bring cause to come into a particular state or condition, Long hard years of on the job training had brought them to their competence, bring water to the boiling point
bring out
let out
bring out of a specific state
bond bring together draw together bring together in a common cause or emotion, The death of their child had drawn them together
advance or set forth in court, bring charges, institute proceedings
bring forth
bring into existence, The new manager generated a lot of problems, The computer bug generated chaos in the office, The computer generated this image, The earthquake generated a tsunami
work play d wreak
make for
cause to happen or to occur as a consequence, I cannot work a miracle, wreak havoc, bring comments, play a joke, The rain brought relief to the drought-stricken area
b raise conjure
conjure up
evoke stir
call down
bring up
put forward
call forth
summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic, raise the specter of unemployment, he conjured wild birds in the air, call down the spirits from the mountain
bring on
cause to arise, induce a crisis
bring on cause to appear, bring on the birthday cake
produce bring forth bring forth or yield, The tree would not produce fruit
produce bring about give rise cause to happen, occur or exist, This procedure produces a curious effect, The new law gave rise to many complaints, These chemicals produce a noxious vapor, the new President must bring about a change in the health care system
bring attract the attention of, The noise and the screaming brought the curious
bring out encourage to be less reserved, The teacher tried to bring out the shy boy
bring down cause to be enthusiastic, Her playing brought down the house
bring up cause to come to a sudden stop, The noise brought her up in shock
take down
let down
get down
bring down
move something or somebody to a lower position, take down the vase from the shelf
get up
bring up
raise from a lower to a higher position, Raise your hands, Lift a load
land put down
bring down
cause to come to the ground, the pilot managed to land the airplane safely
advance bring forward cause to move forward, Can you move the car seat forward?
take something or somebody with oneself somewhere, Bring me the box from the other room, Take these letters to the boss, This brings me to the main point
return take back bring back bring back to the point of departure
bring in
bring in a new person or object into a familiar environment, He brought in a new judge, The new secretary introduced a nasty rumor
bring in transmit, The microphone brought in the sounds from the room next to mine
bring outside
bring outside the body for surgery, of organs
bring about cause to move into the opposite direction, they brought about the boat when they saw a storm approaching
produce bring forth bring out for display, The proud father produced many pictures of his baby, The accused brought forth a letter in court that he claims exonerates him
bring out
make visible, Summer brings out bright clothes, He brings out the best in her
bring on
bring out
bring onto the market or release, produce a movie, bring out a book, produce a new play
provide bring home the bacon supply means of subsistence, earn a living, He provides for his large family by working three jobs, Women nowadays not only take care of the household but also bring home the bacon
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