
Deutsche Sie zeigte mir die kalte Schulter. Synonyme

ablehnen  Âabweisen  Âausschlagen  Âdie  kalte  Schulter  zeigen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âeine  Absage  erteilen  Âeinen  Korb  geben  (umgangssprachlich)  Âverschmähen  Âvon  sich  weisen  Âwegweisen  Âzurückweisen  

Englische She gave me the cold shoulder. Synonyme

to cold shoulder sb Definition

(n.) Deprived of heat, or having a low temperature
(n.) Lacking the sensation of warmth
(n.) Not pungent or acrid.
(n.) Wanting in ardor, intensity, warmth, zeal, or passion
(n.) Unwelcome
(n.) Wanting in power to excite
(n.) Affecting the sense of smell (as of hunting dogs) but feebly
(n.) Not sensitive
(n.) Distant
(n.) Having a bluish effect. Cf. Warm, 8.
(n.) The relative absence of heat or warmth.
(n.) The sensation produced by the escape of heat
(n.) A morbid state of the animal system produced by exposure to cold or dampness
(v. i.) To become cold.
(a.) Having cold blood
(a.) Deficient in sensibility or feeling
(a.) Not thoroughbred
(a.) Wanting passion or feeling
(a.) Brittle when cold
(a.) Closed while too cold to become thoroughly welded
(n.) An imperfection caused by such insufficient welding.
(a.) Cold as a metallic key
(n.) The joint, or the region of the joint, by which the fore limb is connected with the body or with the shoulder girdle
(n.) The flesh and muscles connected with the shoulder joint
(n.) Fig.: That which supports or sustains
(n.) That which resembles a human shoulder, as any protuberance or projection from the body of a thing.
(n.) The upper joint of the fore leg and adjacent parts of an animal, dressed for market
(n.) The angle of a bastion included between the face and flank. See Illust. of Bastion.
(n.) An abrupt projection which forms an abutment on an object, or limits motion, etc., as the projection around a tenon at the end of a piece of timber, the part of the top of a type which projects beyond the base of the raised character, etc.
(v. t.) To push or thrust with the shoulder
(v. t.) To take upon the shoulder or shoulders
(a.) Sprained in the shoulder, as a horse.
(a.) Cold as a stone.

to cold shoulder sb Bedeutung

cold turkey complete and abrupt withdrawal of all addictive drugs or anything else on which you have become dependent, he quit smoking cold turkey, she quit her job cold turkey
cold storage refrigerated storage for preservation
over-the-shoulder bombing a special case of loft bombing in which the bomb is released past the vertical so it is tossed back to the target
cut cold shoulder
a refusal to recognize someone you know, the snub was clearly intentional
cold cathode a cathode that is a source of electrons without being heated
cold chisel
set chisel
narrow chisel made of steel, used to cut stone or bricks
cold cream
face cream
vanishing cream
a cream used cosmetically (mostly by women) for softening and cleaning the skin
cold frame protective covering consisting of a wooden frame with a glass top in which small plants are protected from the cold
cold medicine medicine intended to relieve the symptoms of the common cold
cold-water flat an apartment without modern conveniences
hard shoulder a paved strip beside a motorway (for stopping in emergencies)
a narrow edge of land (usually unpaved) along the side of a road, the car pulled off onto the shoulder
shoulder the part of a garment that covers or fits over the shoulder, an ornamental gold braid on the shoulder of his uniform
shoulder bag a large handbag that can be carried by a strap looped over the shoulder
shoulder board
shoulder mark
epaulets that indicate rank
shoulder holster a holster worn over your shoulder so a gun can be concealed under your jacket
shoulder pad protective garment consisting of a hard rounded pad worn by football players to protect their shoulders
shoulder patch patch worn on the shoulder of a military uniform to indicate rank
strap shoulder strap a band that goes over the shoulder and supports a garment or bag
wood vise
woodworking vise
shoulder vise
a vise with jaws that are padded in order to hold lumber without denting it
low temperature
frigidity frigidness
the absence of heat, the coldness made our breath visible, come in out of the cold, cold is a vasoconstrictor
shoulder blade
shoulder bone
either of two flat triangular bones one on each side of the shoulder in human beings
shoulder the part of the body between the neck and the upper arm
shoulder shoulder joint
articulatio humeri
a ball-and-socket joint between the head of the humerus and a cavity of the scapula
shoulder girdle
pectoral arch
the bony arch formed by the collarbones and shoulder blades in humans
the sensation produced by low temperatures, he shivered from the cold, the cold helped clear his head
cold water disparagement of a plan or hope or expectation, she poured cold water on the whole idea of going to Africa
shoulder flash something worn on the shoulder of a military uniform as an emblem of a division etc.
cold turkey a blunt expression of views, I told him cold turkey
cold comfort very limited consolation or empathy, he told me that time heals all wounds but that was cold comfort to me
cold feet timidity that prevents the continuation of a course of action, I was going to tell him but I got cold feet
cold cuts sliced assorted cold meats
shoulder a cut of meat including the upper joint of the foreleg
picnic ham
picnic shoulder
shoulder of a hog usually smoked
cold cereal
dry cereal
a cereal that is not heated before serving
stuffed tomato cold stuffed tomato tomato cases filled with various salad mixtures and served cold
cold duck pink sparkling wine originally from Germany
cold fish an aloof unemotional person
cold wave a wave of unusually cold weather
cold weather a period of unusually cold weather
cold front
polar front
the front of an advancing mass of colder air
ready cash
cold cash
ready money
money in the form of cash that is readily available, his wife was always a good source of ready cash, he paid cold cash for the TV set
cold fusion nuclear fusion at or near room temperatures, claims to have discovered it are generally considered to have been mistaken
cold war a state of political hostility between countries using means short of armed warfare
Cold War a state of political hostility that existed from untilbetween countries led by the Soviet Union and countries led by the United States
cold storage in a state of abeyance or postponement
oral herpes
herpes labialis
cold sore
fever blister
caused by herpes simplex virus type (HSV-)
common cold
a mild viral infection involving the nose and respiratory passages (but not the lungs), will they never find a cure for the common cold?
head cold a common cold affecting the nasal passages and resulting in congestion and sneezing and headache
dry gangrene
cold gangrene
mumification necrosis
(pathology) gangrene that develops in the presence of arterial obstruction and is characterized by dryness of the dead tissue and a dark brown color
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