
to enter sth on the debit side (accconting) Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

etw. im Soll verbuchen; etw. auf der Sollseite verbuchen v (Buchhaltung) econ. adm.
to enter sth. on the debit side (accconting)
angebotsorientierte Wirtschaftstheorie
supply-side economics
Angebotsseite des Arbeitsmarktes
supply side of the labour market
auf der Rückseite
on the back side
auf der Rückseite
on the reverse side
belasten, Belastung
belasten, Lastposten, Schuldposten
debit advice
Belastungsanzeige, Lastschrift
debit note
debit item
die andere Seite
reverse side
direkte Belastung
direct debit
ein Konto belasten
debit an account
einen Vertrag schließen
enter into a contract
einen Vertrag schließen
enter into an agreement
eintragen, buchen
eintreten, eintragen, buchen
entsprechend buchen
enter in conformity
im Haben verbuchen
enter on the credit side
im Soll verbuchen
enter on the debit side
in Verhandlungen treten
enter into negotiations
ins Erwerbsleben eintreten
enter employment
ins Erwerbsleben eintreten
enter the labour force
debit advice
debit note
advice of debit
debit slip
bright side
oben, diese Seite nach oben
this side up
debit item
debit balance
Rückseite eines Dokuments
reverse side
Saldo zu Ihren Lasten
debit balance
Schulden eingehen
enter liabilities
side drawer
debit side
Soll und Haben
debit and credit
debit interest
interest on debit balances
treten in Kraft am
enter into force as from
Verbindlichkeiten eingehen
enter into engagements
enter in the books
Abbuchung f
debit, debit entry
Abbuchung f (durch Einzugsermächtigung)
(payment by) direct debit
Abbuchungsauftrag m
debit order
Abstecher m
Abstecher pl
side trip
side trips
Abtriebsseite f
power takeoff side, output end
Aktivseite f
asset side
Anschlusstor n, Anschlusstreffer m
goal which leaves the side only one down
Ansicht f
Ansicht im Grundriss
Ansicht im Schnitt
Ansicht im Seitenriss
Ansicht in natürlicher Größe
Ansicht von einem Ende aus
Ansicht im Aufriss
top view
sectional view
side view
full-size view
end-on view
Arbeitnehmerseite f
employees' side
Aufriss m, Aufriß m alt, Aufrisszeichnung f
etw. im Aufriss zeichnen
to draw the side
front elevation
Backbord n, Backbordseite f
backbord, backbords adv
port, port side
on the port side
Bankabbuchung f
bank direct debit
Bankeinzug m
per Bankeinzug
automatic debit transfer system
per direct debit
Bedienungsseite f
operating side
Begrenzungsleuchte f
Begrenzungsleuchten pl
side light
side lights
Beistelltisch m
Beistelltische pl
side table
side tables
Beiwagen m, Seitenwagen m
Beiwagen pl, Seitenwagen pl
side car
side cars
Belastung f fin.
direkte Belastung f
direct debit
Belastungsanzeige f
debit advice, debit note
Bestellung f
Bestellungen pl
Bestellung bestätigen
Bestellung vormerken
Bestellung vormerken
laut Ihrer Bestellung
laut Ihrer Bestellung
folgende Bestellungen
eine Bestellung aufnehmen
order, ordering, mail-order
orders, orderings
to confirm an order
to enter an order
to book an order
as per your order
in accordance with your order
follow-up orders
to take an order
Bestückungsseite f einer Platine
component side
Bord n (eines Schiffes)
side (of a ship)
Bordwand f
plate, side plate
Brennkammerseitenwand f mach.
Brennkammerseitenwände pl
combustion chamber side wall
combustion chamber side walls
Brillenbügel m, Bügel m
Brillenbügel pl, Bügel pl
earpiece, side piece
earpieces, side pieces
Damensattel m
Damensättel pl
side saddle
side saddles
Debetkonto n
debit account
Debetsaldo n
debit balance
Debetzeichen n
debit symbol
Debitposten m
debit item
Eingabe f, Eintrag m
Eingabetaste f
enter key
Einspruch m, Vorbehalt m
Einsprüche pl, Vorbehalte pl
Einspruch einlegen
to enter a caveat
Einzugsermächtigung f
Einzugsermächtigungen pl
direct debit mandate
direct debit mandates
Einzugsverfahren n
automatic debit transfer system
Fahrerseite f
driver's side
Fahrwerksschild n
trolley side cheek
Flachschiebervergaser m techn.
Flachschiebervergaser pl
flat side carburetor, flat side carb
flat side carburetors, flat side carbs
Fuß m
Füße pl
zu Fuß gehen
jdm. auf den Fuß treten
auf eigenen Füßen stehen
auf großem Fuß leben
auf gutem Fuß stehen
auf schlechtem Fuß stehen
jdm. auf dem falschen Fuß erwischen übtr.
etw. auf dem Fuße folgen
etw. mit Füßen treten übtr.
festen Fuß fassen
kalte Füße bekommen
mit dem falschen Fuß aufstehen übtr.
to go on foot, to walk
to tread on sb.'s foot
to stand on one's own feet, to stand by oneself
to live like a lord, to live in style
to be on good terms
to be on bad terms
to catch sb. on the wrong foot
to be hot on the heels of sth., to follow hard on sth.
to trample all over so.
to gain a foothold
to get cold feet
to get up on the wrong side of bed fig.
Gegenseite f
Gegenseiten pl
opposite side
opposite sides
Innenseite f
Innenseiten pl
inner surface, inner side
inner surfaces, inner sides
Katzentisch m
Katzentische pl
side table
side tables
Kehrseite f, Schattenseite f übtr.
other side
Kennwort n, Passwort n
Kennwörter pl, Passwörter pl
ein Passwort eingeben
Ihr Passwort enthält ungültige Zeichen.
to enter a password
Your password contains invalid characters.
Kloster n
Klöster pl
ins Kloster gehen
to enter a convent
Kontaktseite f
mating side
Konto n bei einer Bank
Konten pl, Konti pl
ausgeglichenes Konto
etw. von seinem Konto abheben
etw. auf sein Konto einzahlen
ein Konto belasten, ein Konto debitieren
ein Konto auflösen, ein Konto schließen
Konten führen
account with a bank, account at a bank
account in balance
to draw sth. out of one's account
to pay sth. into one's account
to debit an account
to close an account
to administer accounts
Krise f
Krisen pl
in eine Krise geraten
eine Krise durchmachen
ökologische Krise
to enter a state of crisis
to pass through a crisis
ecological crisis
Küchenbeilage f
side dish
Kumpan m
Kumpane pl
side kick
side kicks
Kundenkarte f econ.
Kundenkarten pl
debit card
debit cards
Lähmung f, Paralyse f med.
einseitige Lähmung
zerebrale Lähmung
paralysis, palsy
paralysis of one side of the body, hemiplegia
cerebral palsy
Längsseite f
Längsseiten pl
side wall
side walls
Längsträger m
Längsträger pl
side member, sidemember
side members, sidemembers
Längsträgerpresse f
Längsträgerpressen pl
side member press
side member presses
Lastschrift f
debit note, debit advice, debit entry
Lastschrift f für Rückware
debit note for returns
Lastschriftbeleg m
debit slip
Lastschriftanzeige f, Lastschriftenanzeige f
advice of debit, debit note
Lee f, dem Wind abgewandte Seite naut.
lee, lee side, leeward
Liste f, Verzeichnis n, Aufstellung f
Listen pl, Verzeichnisse pl, Aufstellungen pl
eine Liste aufstellen
in die Liste eintragen
auf eine Liste setzen
auf einer Liste stehen
von der Liste streichen
to draw up a list, to make out a list
to enter in the list
to put on a list
to be on a list
to strike off from the list
auf der Minusseite
on the debit side
Nachteil m, Manko n, Kehrseite f übtr.
Nachteile pl, Mankos pl
die Kehrseite der Medaille übtr.
drawback, penalty
the other side of the coin
Nachverrechnung m fin.
supplementary debit, supplementary credit
Name m
Namen pl
Namen in eine Liste eintragen
in meinem Namen
im Namen meines Freundes
ein Name, der Wunder wirkt
to enter names on a list
on my behalf
in behalf of my friend
a name to conjure with
Nebenabrede f, Nebenabsprache f
additional agreement, side agreement
Nebenbahn f
side run
Nebenbedingung f math.
Nebenbedingungen pl
side condition
side conditions
Nebenbeschäftigung f
side lining
Nebeneingang m
Nebeneingänge pl
side entrance
side entrances
Nebenerscheinung f, Nebeneffekt m
Nebenerscheinungen pl
side effect
side effects
Nebengleis n
Nebengleise pl
side track
side tracks
Nebenlinie f
Nebenlinien pl
byline, side line
bylines, side lines
Nebenproblem n, Nebenpunkt m
Nebenprobleme pl, Nebenpunkte pl
side issue
side issues
Nebenstraße f
Nebenstraßen pl
side road, side street, minor road
side roads, side streets, minor roads
Nebenvorstellung f
Nebenvorstellungen pl
side show, sideshow
side shows
Nebenwirkung f, Seiteneffekt m
Nebenwirkungen pl, Seiteneffekte pl
side effect, byeffect
side effects, byeffects
Niederbordwagen m
Niederbordwagen pl
low side car
low side cars
Oberseite f
top side, topside, top surface
Oberseite f
Oberseiten pl
upside, upper side
Partei ergreifen (für)
to take sides, to side with
Passivposten m
debit item
Passivsaldo n
debit balance
Priesterschaft f, geistliches Amt, kirchliches Amt
Pfarrer werden, Geistlicher werden
to enter the ministry, to go into the ministry
Prüfcode m
Geben Sie bitte einen gültigen Prüfcode ein.
verification code
Please enter a valid verification code.
Quertreiben n
side shifting
Randerscheinung f, Randproblem n
side issue
Rochade f (Schach)
kleine Rochade, kurze Rochade
große Rochade, lange Rochade
castling, castle (chess)
castling king's side, castling kingside
castling queen's side, castling queenside
Rückseite f
Rückseiten pl
back, back side
Rückseite f
reverse side
Saldo m, Kontostand m
Salden pl, Ausgleiche pl
per Saldo
Saldo zu Ihren Lasten
balance, balance of account
on balance
debit balance
Schattenseite f
Schattenseiten pl
shady side, drawback
shady sides, drawbacks
Scheibenfräser m
Scheibenfräser pl
side milling cutter
side milling cutters
Schuldposten m, Lastposten m, Debet n
Schwarzarbeit f
work on the side coll.
Seeseite f
sea side
Seite f, Rand m, Flanke f
Seiten pl
Seiten- und Stirnfräser m
side and face cutter
Seitenansicht f
side view
Seitenansicht f
Seitenansichten pl
side views
Seitenblech n techn.
Seitenbleche pl
side plate
side plates
Seitenblick m
Seitenblicke pl
side glance, oblique glance
side glances
Seiteneingang m
Seiteneingänge pl
side entrance
side entrances
Seitenhieb m
Seitenhiebe pl
side blow
side blows
Seitenlänge f
Seitenlängen pl
side length, page length
side lengths, page lengths
Seitenlinie f sport
side line, touch line

Deutsche etw. im Soll verbuchen; etw. auf der Sollseite verbuchen {vt} (Buchhaltung) [econ.] [adm.] Synonyme

buchen  Âeintragen  Âerfassen  Âfesthalten  Âspeichern  Âverbuchen  
Plansoll  ÂSoll  
Buchführung  ÂBuchhaltung  
Buchhaltung  ÂRechnungsführung  ÂRechnungswesen  
Buchführung  ÂBuchhaltung  ÂFibu  ÂFinanzbuchhaltung  ÂGeschäftsbuchhaltung  
Buchhaltung  Rechnungsführung  Rechnungswesen  

Englische to enter sth. on the debit side Synonyme

to enter sth on the debit side (accconting) Definition

Crown side
() See Crown office.
(n.) A debt
(v. t.) To charge with debt
(v. t.) To enter on the debtor (Dr.) side of an account
() A prefix signifying between, among, part.
(v. t.) To come or go into
(v. t.) To unite in
(v. t.) To engage in
(v. t.) To pass within the limits of
(v. t.) To cause to go (into), or to be received (into)
(v. t.) To inscribe
(v. t.) To go into or upon, as lands, and take actual possession of them.
(v. t.) To place in regular form before the court, usually in writing
(v. t.) To make report of (a vessel or her cargo) at the customhouse
(v. t.) To file or inscribe upon the records of the land office the required particulars concerning (a quantity of public land) in order to entitle a person to a right pf preemption.
(v. t.) To deposit for copyright the title or description of (a book, picture, map, etc.)
(v. t.) To initiate
(v. i.) To go or come in
(v. i.) To get admission
(v. i.) To penetrate mentally
(n.) The margin, edge, verge, or border of a surface
(n.) Any outer portion of a thing considered apart from, and yet in relation to, the rest
(n.) One of the halves of the body, of an animals or man, on either side of the mesial plane
(n.) The right or left part of the wall or trunk of the body
(n.) A slope or declivity, as of a hill, considered as opposed to another slope over the ridge.
(n.) The position of a person or party regarded as opposed to another person or party, whether as a rival or a foe
(n.) A line of descent traced through one parent as distinguished from that traced through another.
(n.) Fig.: Aspect or part regarded as contrasted with some other
(a.) Of or pertaining to a side, or the sides
(a.) Hence, indirect
(n.) Long
(v. i.) To lean on one side.
(v. i.) To embrace the opinions of one party, or engage in its interest, in opposition to another party
(v. t.) To be or stand at the side of
(v. t.) To suit
(v. t.) To work (a timber or rib) to a certain thickness by trimming the sides.
(v. t.) To furnish with a siding
(n.) A taking sides, as with a party, sect, or faction.
(a.) Having a paddle wheel on each side

to enter sth on the debit side (accconting) Bedeutung

a glance sideways, she shot him an impatient side-glance
side-blotched lizard
sand lizard Uta stansburiana
one of the most abundant lizards in the arid western United States
side arm
shooting iron
a firearm that is held and fired with one hand
pommel horse
side horse
a gymnastic horse with a cylindrical body covered with leather and two upright handles (pommels) near the center, held upright by two steel supports, one at each end
side an extended outer surface of an object, he turned the box over to examine the bottom side, they painted all four sides of the house
side chapel a small chapel off the side aisle of a church
side door
side entrance
an exterior door at one side of a building
side pocket a pocket on the side of a billiard table
side road a minor road branching off of a main road
side street a street intersecting a main street and terminating there
side-wheeler a paddle steamer having a paddle wheel on each side
side yard the grounds at either side of a house
snare drum
snare side drum
a small drum with two heads and a snare stretched across the lower head
straight chair
side chair
a straight-backed chair without arms
mutton chop
facial hair that has grown down the side of a man's face in front of the ears (especially when the rest of the beard is shaved off)
side either the left or right half of a body, he had a pain in his side
side an aspect of something (as contrasted with some other implied aspect), he was on the heavy side, he is on the purchasing side of the business, it brought out his better side
side view a view from the side of something
supply-side economics the school of economic theory that stresses the costs of production as a means of stimulating the economy, advocates policies that raise capital and labor output by increasing the incentive to produce
an opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute, there are two sides to every question
(sports) the spin given to a ball by striking it on one side or releasing it with a sharp twist
silver lining
bright side
a consoling aspect of a difficult situation, every cloud has a silver lining, look on the bright side of it
side dish
side order
a dish that is served with, but is subordinate to, a main course
side of meat
a lengthwise dressed half of an animal's carcass used for food
side of beef dressed half of a beef carcass
flitch side of bacon salted and cured abdominal wall of a side of pork
side of pork dressed half of a hog carcass
side a family line of descent, he gets his brains from his father's side
side one of two or more contesting groups, the Confederate side was prepared to attack
a surface forming part of the outside of an object, he examined all sides of the crystal, dew dripped from the face of the leaf
lee side
the side of something that is sheltered from the wind
side a line segment forming part of the perimeter of a plane figure, the hypotenuse of a right triangle is always the longest side
side a place within a region identified relative to a center or reference location, they always sat on the right side of the church, he never left my side
blind side the side on which your vision is limited or obstructed
east side the side that is on the east
north side the side that is on the north
south side the side that is on the south
west side the side that is on the west
top side
upper side
the highest or uppermost side of anything, put your books on top of the desk, only the top side of the box was painted
an elevated geological formation, he climbed the steep slope, the house was built on the side of a mountain
side judge a football official
side effect
any adverse and unwanted secondary effect, a strategy to contain the fallout from the accounting scandal
debit card a card (usually plastic) that enables the holder to withdraw money or to have the cost of purchases charged directly to the holder's bank account
debit debit entry an accounting entry acknowledging sums that are owing
credit side account of payments received, usually the right side of a financial statement
debit side account of payments owed, usually the left side of a financial statement
to windward
windward side
weather side
the side toward the wind
to leeward
leeward side
the side sheltered from the wind
flip side a different aspect of something (especially the opposite aspect), the flip side of your positive qualities sometimes get out of control, on the flip side of partnerships he talked about their competition
side effect a secondary and usually adverse effect of a drug or therapy, severe headaches are one of the side effects of the drug
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