
to forge ahead Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

to forge ahead, to stride ahead
voranschreiten; vorwärts kommen v; Fortschritte machen; auf dem Vormarsch sein
voranschreitend; vorwärts kommend; Fortschritte machend
vorangeschritten; vorwärts gekommen; Fortschritte gemacht
to forge ahead; to stride ahead
forging ahead; striding ahead
forged ahead; stridden ahead
sich vorankämpfen v
sich vorankämpfend
sich vorangekämpft
Die Tourengeher kämpften sich durch den Schnee.
Er kämpfte sich durch die Menge zur Bühne vor.
Das Segelschiff kämpfte sich durch die schwere See.
In der letzten Runde setzte er sich an die Spitze. sport
Das Jungunternehmen hat sich an die Spitze der Konkurrenz gesetzt.
to forge; to forge ahead formal
forging; forging ahead
forged; forged ahead
The ski tourers forged through the snow.
He forged through the crowd to the front of the stage.
The sailing ship forged ahead through heavy seas.
On the last lap, he forged into the lead.
The start-up company has forged ahead of its competitors.
gut vorankommen; weiterkommen; gute Fortschritte machen (mit etw.) (Person, Sache); zügig voranschreiten (Sache) v
gut vorankommend; weiterkommend; gute Fortschritte machend; zügig voranschreitend
gut vorangekommen; weitergekommen; gute Fortschritte gemacht; zügig vorangeschritten
Die Arbeiten an … schreiten zügig voran.
Wir machen gute Fortschritte.
Unser Umsatz hat sich dieses Jahr weiter gut entwickelt.
Der Druck ist groß, mit den Verhandlungen weiterzukommen.
to advance rapidly; to progress quickly; to forge ahead formal; to forge on formal (with sth.) (of a person or thing)
advancing rapidly; progressing quickly; forging ahead; forging on
advanced rapidly; progressed quickly; forged ahead; forged on
Work is progressing quickly on …; Work is forging ahead on …
We are advancing rapidly.; We are forging on.
Our sales have continued to forge ahead this year.
There is great pressure to forge ahead with negotiations.

Deutsche voranschreiten Synonyme

fortschreiten  voranschreiten  vorrücken  vorwärts  kommen  weiterkommen  weiterschreiten  

Englische to forge ahead to stride ahead Synonyme

to forge ahead Definition

(adv.) In or to the front
(adv.) Headlong
(n.) A place or establishment where iron or other metals are wrought by heating and hammering
(n.) The works where wrought iron is produced directly from the ore, or where iron is rendered malleable by puddling and shingling
(n.) The act of beating or working iron or steel
(n.) To form by heating and hammering
(n.) To form or shape out in any way
(n.) To coin.
(n.) To make falsely
(v. t.) To commit forgery.
(v. t.) To move heavily and slowly, as a ship after the sails are furled
(v. t.) To impel forward slowly

to forge ahead Bedeutung

drop forge
drop hammer
drop press
device for making large forgings
a workplace where metal is worked by heating and hammering
forge furnace consisting of a special hearth where metal is heated before shaping
readiness to embark on bold new ventures
green light
a signal to proceed
go ahead
plow ahead
proceed (with a plan of action), He went ahead with the project
win pull ahead
make headway
get ahead
gain ground
obtain advantages, such as points, etc., The home team was gaining ground, After defeating the Knicks, the Blazers pulled ahead of the Lakers in the battle for the number-one playoff berth in the Western Conference
come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort, excogitate a way to measure the speed of light
forge fake
make a copy of with the intent to deceive, he faked the signature, they counterfeited dollar bills, She forged a Green Card
make out of components (often in an improvising manner), She fashioned a tent out of a sheet and a few sticks
work mold mould forge
make something, usually for a specific function, She molded the rice balls carefully, Form cylinders from the dough, shape a figure, Work the metal into a sword
create by hammering, hammer the silver into a bowl, forge a pair of tongues
move or act with a sudden increase in speed or energy
forge move ahead steadily, He forged ahead
advance set ahead move forward, we have to advance clocks and watches when we travel eastward
thrust ahead
push forward
push one's way, she barged into the meeting room
in the lead
having the leading position or higher score in a contest, he is ahead by a pawn, the leading team in the pennant race
in front
at or in the front, I see the lights of a town ahead, the road ahead is foggy, staring straight ahead, we couldn't see over the heads of the people in front, with the cross of Jesus marching on before
ahead in advance
ahead of time, in anticipation, when you pay ahead (or in advance) you receive a discount, We like to plan ahead, should have made reservations beforehand
ahead onward onwards
forward forwards
in a forward direction, go ahead, the train moved ahead slowly, the boat lurched ahead, moved onward into the forest, they went slowly forward in the mud
ahead out front
in the lead
leading or ahead in a competition, the horse was three lengths ahead going into the home stretch, ahead by two pawns, our candidate is in the lead in the polls, way out front in the race, the advertising campaign put them out front in sales
ahead to a different or a more advanced time (meaning advanced either toward the present or toward the future), moved the appointment ahead from Tuesday to Monday, pushed the deadline ahead from Tuesday to Wednesday
ahead to a more advanced or advantageous position, a young man sure to get ahead, pushing talented students ahead
ahead forward toward the future, forward in time, I like to look ahead in imagination to what the future may bring, I look forward to seeing you
ahead of time
too soon
before the usual time or the time expected, she graduated early, the house was completed ahead of time
ahead of the game in an advantageous position, she's ahead of the game
dead ahead exactly ahead or in front, the laboratory is dead ahead
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