
to nerve sb Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Frechheit f, Unverschämtheit f
Nervengas n
nerve gas
optic nerve
Nervenkampfstoff m mil.
nerve agent
Radialnerv m
radial nerve
Schaltzentrale f
nerve centre
radial nerve
Speichennerv m; Radialnerv m (Nervus radialis) anat.
radial nerve
Ischiasnerv m anat.
sciatic nerve
nervenaufreibend adj
Was für eine Unverschämtheit!
What a nerve!
sciatic nerve
Nervenklemme f med.
nerve forceps
Nervenkabeltransplantation f med.
nerve grafting
Geruchsnerv m, Riechnerv m anat.
olfactory nerve
mutig sein
to have a nerve
Nervenkompression f; Nerveneinengung f med.
nerve entrapment
Er traut sich was!
He's got a nerve!
Nervenregeneration f
nerve regeneration
Sehnervengliom n med.
optic nerve glioma
Fazialisparese f med.
facial nerve paresis
Sehnervenkolobom n med.
optic nerve coloboma
neural adj, Nerven betreffend anat.
neural, nerve-related
neural adj; Nerven betreffend anat.
neural; nerve-related
Sehnervenhypoplasie f med.
optic nerve hypoplasia
Optikusstörung f med.
optic nerve disturbance
Nervenzelle f anat.
Nervenzellen pl
nerve cell
nerve cells
Nervenstrang m anat.
Nervenstränge pl
nerve cord
nerve cords
Nervenwurzel f anat.
Nervenwurzeln pl
nerve root
nerve roots
Sakralnervenstimulation f med.
sacral nerve stimulation
Sehnervenstumpf m anat.
stump of the optic nerve
Sehnervenscheide f anat.
sheath of the optic nerve
Augennerv m anat.
Augennerven pl
optic nerve
optic nerves
Sehnerv m anat.
Sehnerven pl
optic nerve
optic nerves
Nervenzentrum m
nerve centre; nerve center
Gesichtsnervdekompression f; Fazialisdekompression f med.
facial nerve decompression
Nervenzentrum n
nerve centre; nerve center
Mut m
den Mut verlieren
to lose one's nerve
ermutigen, kräftigen, stärken v
ermutigend, kräftigend, stärkend
ermutigt, gekräftigt, gestärkt
to nerve
Gesichtsnerv m anat.
Gesichtsnerven pl
facial nerve
facial nerves
Radialnerv m
Radialnerven pl
radial nerve
radial nerves
Sakralnerv m anat.
Sakralnerven pl
sacral nerve
sacral nerves
Trigeminus-Nerv m; Trigeminus m (Nervus trigeminus) anat.
trigeminal nerve; trigeminus
mutig sein
to be clench, to have a nerve
mutig sein
to be clench; to have a nerve
Gesichtsnervbeteiligung f; Fazialisbeteiligung f med.
affection of the facial nerve
Gesichtsnerv-Neurinom n; Fazialisneurinom n med.
neurinoma of the facial nerve
Nervenleitgeschwindigkeit f NLG med.
nerve conduction velocity NCV
mutig sein v
to be clench; to have a nerve
nervenaufreibend adj
nerve-racking; nerve-wracking
Hüftnerv m anat.
Hüftnerven pl
sciatic nerve
sciatic nerves
Geschlechtsnerv m anat.
Geschlechtsnerven pl
genital nerve
genital nerves
Unverfrorenheit f
brass neck nerve Br. coll.
nervtötend adj
nerve-racking, nerve-shattering
Nervenleitgeschwindigkeit f NLG med.
nerve conduction velocity NCV
nervtötend adj
nerve-racking; nerve-shattering
Nervenknoten m
nerve centre, nerve center Am.
Rekurrenslähmung f, Stimmbandlähmung f med.
paralysis of the recurrent nerve
Rekurrenslähmung f; Stimmbandlähmung f med.
paralysis of the recurrent nerve
nervenzerreibend adj (Thriller usw.)
nerve-shattering (thriller etc.)
Optikus m anat.
optic nerve; second cranial nerve
Geruchsnerv m; Riechnerv m anat.
Geruchsnerven pl; Riechnerven pl
olfactory nerve
olfactory nerves
Gesichtsnerv m; Fazialis m (Nervus facialis) anat.
facial nerve; seventh cranial nerve
Nervenzelle f anat.
Nervenzellen pl
Rasterzelle f
nerve cell
nerve cells
grid cell
Sehnervenfaser f anat.
Sehnervenfasern pl
optic nerve fibre
optic nerve fibres
neurotoxisch, das Nervensystem schädigend med.
neurotoxic, destructive to nerve tissue
neurotoxisch; das Nervensystem schädigend med.
neurotoxic; destructive to nerve tissue
Ganglion n (Anhäufung von Nervenzellkörpern) anat.
Ganglien pl
ganglion (nerve cell cluster)
Nervenblockade f
periphere Nervenblockade
nerve blockage
peripheral nerve blockage
Intensitätskodierung f (bei sensorischen Nervenfasern) med.
intensity coding (in sensory nerve fibres)
Gehörgangsnerv m anat.
Gehörgangsnerven pl
acoustic meatal nerve
acoustic meatal nerves
einen wunden Punkt berühren übtr.; einen Nerv treffen übtr.
Das hat einen Nerv getroffen.
to strike a nerve fig.
This struck a nerve.
Gewebe n biol.
Gewebe pl
Nervengewebe n
nerve tissue; nervous tissue
Neuroblast m (embryonale Nervenzelle) anat.
Neuroblasten pl
neuroblast (embryonic nerve cell)
Fazialislähmung f, Gesichtslähmung f med.
facial nerve palsy, facial paralysis, facioplegia
Sehnervendegeneration f; Sehnervenatrophie f med.
Sehnervenatrophie bei Syphilis
familiär auftretende Sehnervenatrophie
optic (nerve) atrophy
optic tabes
Leber's disease
Nervenbahn f anat.
Nervenbahnen pl
nerve pathway, nerve tract
nerve pathways, nerve tracts
Nervenbahn f anat.
Nervenbahnen pl
nerve pathway; nerve tract
nerve pathways; nerve tracts
Nervenblockade f
Nervenblockaden pl
periphere Nervenblockade
nerve blockage
nerve blockages
peripheral nerve blockage
Nervenfaserbündel n; Nervenbündel n anat.
Nervenfaserbündel pl; Nervenbündel pl
nerve bundle; nerve fascicle
nerve bundles; nerve fascicles
Stirn f anat.
fliehende Stirn
jdm. die Stirn bieten übtr.
die Stirn haben übtr.
receding forehead
to defy sb.
to have the nerve
Nervenknoten m anat.
Nervenknoten pl
nerve centre; nerve center Am.
nerve centres; nerve centers
marklos adj anat.
non-medullated; marrowless (bone); unmedullated; amyeline (nerve)
jdn. ermutigen; kräftigen; stärken v
ermutigend; kräftigend; stärkend
ermutigt; gekräftigt; gestärkt
den Mut aufbringen etw. zu tun
to nerve sb.
to nerve oneself (up) to do sth.
einen Körperteil durch Nervenreize anregen; stimulieren v biol.
to innervate a body part; to stimulate a body part by nerve impulses
Rekurrensnervenlähmung f; Rekurrenslähmung f med.
paralysis of the recurrent laryngeal nerve; recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy
Fußsohlennerv m anat.
Fußsohlennerven pl
innere Fußsohlennerv
äußerer Fußsohlennerv
plantar nerve
plantar nerves
medial plantar nerve
lateral plantar nerve
anstrengen; anspannen v
anstrengend; anspannend
angestrengt; angespannt
strengt an
strengte an
alle Kräfte aufbieten
to strain
to strain every nerve
Nervenfaser f anat.
Nervenfasern pl
markscheidenlose Nervenfaser
nerve fiber, nerve fibre
nerve fibers, nerve fibres
non-myelinated nerve fiber
Erregungsleitung f anat.
saltatorische Erregungsleitung
impulse transmission; nerve conduction; stimulus conduction
saltatory conduction
Nervenfaser f anat.
Nervenfasern pl
markscheidenlose Nervenfaser
nerve fiber; nerve fibre
nerve fibers; nerve fibres
non-myelinated nerve fiber
Gesichtslähmung f; Fazialislähmung f med.
beidseitige Gesichtslähmung
facial (nerve) palsy; facial paralysis; facioplegia; prosopoplegia
Nerv m anat.
Nerven pl
die Nerven verlieren
jdm. auf die Nerven gehen ugs.
to lose one's nerve
to get on sb.'s nerves, to jar on sb.'s nerves
Sehnervenentzündung f med.
inflammation of the optic nerve; ophthalmoneuritis; neuropticomyelitis; neuropapillitis
absondernd; sekretorisch; Sekretions...; sezernierend adj biol.
Sekretionskanälchen n
Sekretionsmechanismus m
Sekretionsnerv n
Gelenkschmiere sezernierend
secretory canaliculus
secretory mechanism
secretory nerve
absondernd; sekretorisch; Sekretions…; sezernierend adj biol.
Sekretionskanälchen n
Sekretionsmechanismus m
Sekretionsnerv n
Gelenkschmiere sezernierend
secretory canaliculus
secretory mechanism
secretory nerve
Markscheide f (eines Nervs) anat.
mit Markscheiden (versehen)
ohne Markscheiden
medullary sheath; myelin sheath (of a nerve)
medullated; myelinic
non-medullated; amyelinic
Stirn f anat.
fliehende Stirn
sich den Schweiß von der Stirn wischen
die Stirn haben übtr.
forehead; brow formal
receding forehead
to wipe the sweat from your brow
to have the nerve
Sehnerv m; Optikus m anat.
Sehnerven pl
visual nerve; optic nerve; second cranial nerve
visual nerves; optic nerves; second cranial nerves
Kinn…; Mental… adj anat.
Kinndorn m (Spina mentalis)
Kinndreieck n; Kinnvorsprung m (Protuberantia mentalis)
Kinnloch n (Foramen mentale)
Kinnnerv m (Nervus mentalis)
Kinnpunkt m; Gnathion
Kinnregion f (Regio mentalis)
mental spine
mental protuberance
mental foramen
mental nerve
mental point
mental region
Neubildung f; Regeneration f (von etw.) biol. med.
Nervenregeneration f
die Neubildung der Haut
die Regeneration des Körpers
regeneration; renewal
nerve regeneration
the renewal of the skin
the regeneration renewal of the body
Gesichtslähmung f; Fazialislähmung f; Fazialisparese f med.
beidseitige Gesichtslähmung
facial (nerve) palsy; facial paralysis; facial (nerve) paresis; facioplegia; prosopoplegia
Frechheit f; Unverschämtheit f; Unverfrorenheit f geh.; Dreistigkeit geh.
Sie hatte die Frechheit mich der Lüge zu bezichtigen.
nerve; audacity; effrontery (formal); boldness obs.
She had the nerve audacity effrontery to accuse me of lying.
Frechheit f; Unverschämtheit f; Unverfrorenheit f geh.; Dreistigkeit geh.
Sie hatte die Frechheit, mich der Lüge zu bezichtigen.
nerve; audacity; effrontery formal; boldness obs.
She had the nerve audacity effrontery to accuse me of lying.
(bestimmte Körperteile) freilegen; skelettieren v
freilegend; skelettierend
freigelegt; skelettiert
Der mastoide Abschnitt des Gesichtsnervs wird freigelegt.
to skeletonize (particular body parts)
The mastoid segment of the facial nerve is skeletonized.
Nerv m anat.
Nerven pl
in einem Nerv (befindlich) adj
die Nerven behalten
die Nerven verlieren
So etwas Das geht mir auf die Nerven.
Reg mich nicht auf!
intraneural; endoneural
to keep one's nerve
to lose one's nerve
This is something that gets on my nerves.
Stop getting on my nerves!
Nerv m anat.
Nerven pl
Hirnnerven pl
die Nerven behalten
die Nerven verlieren
So etwas Das geht mir auf die Nerven.
Reg mich nicht auf!
brain nerves; cranial nerves
to keep one's nerve
to lose one's nerve
This is something that gets on my nerves.
Stop getting on my nerves!
jdn. durchfahren; durchdringen; durchzucken; durchbeben geh. v (Gefühl)
durchfahrend; durchdringend; durchzuckend; durchbebend
durchfahren; durchdrungen; durchzuckt; durchbebt
Wohlbehagen durchfuhr jeden Nerv seines Körpers.
Als sie ihm nachblickte bis er verschwand, fuhr ihr ein seltsames Gefühl in die Brust.
to thrill through sb. (sensation emotion)
thrilling through
thrilled through
Pleasure thrilled through every nerve in his body.
As she watched his back disappear, a strange emotion thrilled up into her chest.
ureterisch; Ureter…; Harnleiter adj anat.
Harnleiterabknickung f; Ureterenabknickung f; Ureter-Kinking
Harnleiteranlage f; Ureterknospe f (beim Embryo)
Harnleiterkatheter m; Ureterenkatheter m; Ureterkatheter m
Harnleiterkatheterung f; Ureterenkatheterisation f; Ureterkatheterung f
(operative) Harnleitermündungserweiterung f; Ureterenmeatotomie f; Uretermeatotomie f
Harnleiternerv m; Ureternerv m
Harnleiteröffnung f; Uretermündung f (Ostium ureteris)
Harnleiterpolyp m; Ureterpolyp m
Harnleiterreflux m; Ureterreflux m
Harnleiterspülung f; Ureterenirrigation f; Ureterirrigation f
Harnleiterverengung f; Ureterstriktur f
ureteral; ureteric
ureteral kink
ureteral bud (in an embryo)
ureteral catheter
ureteral catheterization
ureteral meatotomy
ureteral nerve
ureteral orifice; ureteral ostium
ureteral polyp
ureteral reflux
ureteral irrigation
ureteral stricture
natürliches Gift n; biogenes Gift n; Toxin n pharm.
natürliches Gifte pl; biogenes Gifte pl; Toxine pl
Bakteriengift n; Bakterientoxin n
Nervengift n; Neurotoxin n; neurotoxische Substanz f
Nierengift n; Nephrotoxin n; nephrotoxische Substanz f
natural poison; biogenic poison; toxin
natural poisons; biogenic poisons; toxins
bacterial poison; bacterial toxin; bacteriotoxin
nerve poison; nerve agent; nervous system toxin; neurotoxin; neurotoxic substance
kidney poison; nephrotoxin; nephrotoxic substance
Kampfstoff m mil.
Kampfstoffe pl
biologischer Kampfstoff
blasenziehender Kampfstoff; Hautkampfstoff m
chemischer Kampfstoff
ernteschädigender Kampfstoff
materialschädigender Kampfstoff
microbischer Kampfstoff
sofort wirkender Kampfstoff
warfare substance; warfare agent
warfare substances; warfare agents
biological warfare substance
blister agent; vesicant
chemical warfare substance
anti-crop warfare agent
anti-materiel warfare agent
microbial agent
instant agent
V-nerve agent; V agent
Kampfstoff m mil.
Kampfstoffe pl
biologischer Kampfstoff
blasenziehender Kampfstoff; Hautkampfstoff m
chemischer Kampfstoff
ernteschädigender Kampfstoff
materialschädigender Kampfstoff
mikrobischer Kampfstoff; mikrobieller Kampfstoff
sofort wirkender Kampfstoff
warfare substance; warfare agent
warfare substances; warfare agents
biological warfare substance
blister agent; vesicant
chemical warfare substance
anti-crop warfare agent
anti-materiel warfare agent
microbial warfare agent
instant agent
V-nerve agent; V agent
jdn. dazu veranlassen bewegen bringen etw. zu tun v psych.
Was hat dich veranlasst deine Meinung zu ändern?
Ich weiß nicht was sie veranlasst hat zu gehen.
Die Nervenimpulse veranlassen die Muskel sich zusammenzuziehen.
Dahinter stand der Wunsch das Stadtzentrum attraktiver zu gestalten.
Der Blick den er ihr zuwarf bewog sie nicht zu fragen.
to prompt cause lead decide sb. to do sth.
What prompted caused led you to change your mind?
I don't know what prompted her to leave.
The nerve impulses cause the muscles to contract.
This was prompted by the desire to make the city centre more attractive.
The look he gave her decided her not to ask.
jdn. dazu veranlassen bewegen bringen, etw. zu tun v psych.
Was hat dich veranlasst, deine Meinung zu ändern?
Ich weiß nicht, was sie veranlasst hat, zu gehen.
Die Nervenimpulse veranlassen die Muskel, sich zusammenzuziehen.
Dahinter stand der Wunsch, das Stadtzentrum attraktiver zu gestalten.
Der Blick, den er ihr zuwarf, bewog sie, nicht zu fragen.
to prompt cause lead decide sb. to do sth.
What prompted caused led you to change your mind?
I don't know what prompted her to leave.
The nerve impulses cause the muscles to contract.
This was prompted by the desire to make the city centre more attractive.
The look he gave her decided her not to ask.
Nervenfaser f anat.
Nervenfasern pl
adrenerge Nervenfaser
cholinerge Nervenfaser
markscheidenlose Nervenfaser; marklose Nervenfaser
motorische Nervenfaser
präganglionäre Nervenfaser
sensorische Nervenfaser
sympathische Nervenfaser
nerve fibre Br.; neurofibre Br.; nerve fiber Am.; neurofiber Am.; neurofibril
nerve fibres; neurofibres; nerve fibers; neurofibers; neurofibrils
adrenergic nerve fibre
cholinergic nerve fibre
non-medullated nerve fibre; non-myelinated nerve fibre; Remak's fibre
motor nerve fibre
preganglionic nerve fibre
sensory nerve fibre
sympathetic nerve fibre

Deutsche Nerv Synonyme

Englische nerve Synonyme

to nerve sb Definition

(n.) One of the whitish and elastic bundles of fibers, with the accompanying tissues, which transmit nervous impulses between nerve centers and various parts of the animal body.
(n.) A sinew or a tendon.
(n.) Physical force or steadiness
(n.) Steadiness and firmness of mind
(n.) Audacity
(n.) One of the principal fibrovascular bundles or ribs of a leaf, especially when these extend straight from the base or the midrib of the leaf.
(n.) One of the nervures, or veins, in the wings of insects.
(v. t.) To give strength or vigor to
(a.) Affected by a tremor, or by a nervous disease

to nerve sb Bedeutung

boldness nerve brass
face cheek
impudent aggressiveness, I couldn't believe her boldness, he had the effrontery to question my honesty
heart mettle nerve
the courage to carry on, he kept fighting on pure spunk, you haven't got the heart for baseball
nerve plexus a network of intersecting nerves
nervous tissue
nerve tissue
tissue composed of neurons
nerve center
nerve centre
a cluster of nerve cells governing a specific bodily process, in most people the speech center is in the left hemisphere
nerve fiber
nerve fibre
a threadlike extension of a nerve cell
medullated nerve fiber
myelinated nerve fiber
a nerve fiber encased in a sheath of myelin
nerve cell
a cell that is specialized to conduct nerve impulses
motor neuron
efferent neuron
motor nerve fiber
a neuron conducting impulses outwards from the brain or spinal cord
nerve ending
nerve end
the terminal structure of an axon that does not end at a synapse
free nerve ending microscopic sensory nerve endings in the skin that are not connected to any specific sensory receptor
any bundle of nerve fibers running to various organs and tissues of the body
motor nerve
efferent nerve
a nerve that conveys impulses toward or to muscles or glands
sensory nerve
afferent nerve
a nerve that passes impulses from receptors toward or to the central nervous system
nerve pathway
nerve tract
a bundle of myelinated nerve fibers following a path through the brain
cranial nerve any of the paired nerves that originate in the brain stem
depressor depressor nerve any nerve whose activity tends to reduce the activity or tone of the body part it serves
olfactory nerve
nervii olfactorii
first cranial nerve
a collective term for numerous olfactory filaments in the nasal mucosa
optic nerve
nervus opticus
second cranial nerve
optic tract
the cranial nerve that serves the retina
oculomotor nerve
nervus oculomotorius
third cranial nerve
supplies extrinsic muscles of the eye
trochlear nerve
fourth cranial nerve
either of the two cranial nerves on either side that control the superior oblique muscles of the eyes
trigeminal nerve
nervus trigeminus
fifth cranial nerve
the main sensory nerve of the face and motor nerve for the muscles of mastication
abducent nerve
abducens nerve
nervus abducens
sixth cranial nerve
a small motor nerve supplying the lateral rectus muscle of the eye
facial nerve
nervus facialis
seventh cranial nerve
cranial nerve that supplies facial muscles
acoustic nerve
auditory nerve
vestibulocochlear nerve
nervus vestibulocochlearis
eighth cranial nerve
a composite sensory nerve supplying the hair cells of the vestibular organ and the hair cells of the cochlea
glossopharyngeal nerve
nervus glossopharyngeus
ninth cranial nerve
sensory nerve to the pharynx and back of the tongue, motor fibers innervate muscles that elevate the pharynx and larynx, includes parasympathetic fibers to the otic ganglion
vagus nerve
nervus vagus
pneumogastric nerve
tenth cranial nerve
wandering nerve
a mixed nerve that supplies the pharynx and larynx and lungs and heart and esophagus and stomach and most of the abdominal viscera
accessory nerve
spinal accessory
nervus accessorius
eleventh cranial nerve
arises from two sets of roots (cranial and spinal) that unite to form the nerve
hypoglossal nerve
nervus hypoglosus
twelfth cranial nerve
supplies intrinsic muscles of the tongue and other tongue muscles
radial nerve
nervus radialis
musculospiral nerve
largest branch of the brachial plexus, extends down the humerus to the lateral epicondyle where it divides into one branch that goes to the skin on the back of the hand and another that goes to the underlying extensor muscles
splanchnic nerve any of several nerves of the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system that innervate viscera and blood vessels
solar plexus
coeliac plexus
plexus celiacus
abdominal nerve plexus
a large plexus of sympathetic nerves in the abdomen behind the stomach
sciatic nerve
nervus ischiadicus
arises from the sacral plexus and passes about halfway down the thigh where it divides into the common peroneal and tibial nerves
femoral nerve
nervus femoralis
anterior crural nerve
one of a pair of nerves that originate from lumbar nerves and supply the muscles and skin of the anterior part of the thigh
saphenous nerve
nervus saphenus
a branch of the femoral nerve that supplies cutaneous branches to the inner aspect of the leg and foot
phrenic nerve
nervus phrenicus
one of a pair of nerves that arises from cervical spinal roots and passes down the thorax to innervate the diaphragm and control breathing
ulnar nerve
cubital nerve
nervus ulnaris
a nerve running along the inner side of the arm and passing near the elbow, supplies intrinsic muscles of the hand and the skin of the medial side of the hand
spinal nerve
nervus spinalis
any of the pairs of nerves emerging from each side of the spinal cord (each attached to the cord by two roots: ventral and dorsal)
cervical nerve any of eight pairs of spinal nerves emerging from the cervical section of the spinal cord
coccygeal nerve
nervus coccygeus
the lowest pair of spinal nerves
lumbar nerve any of five pairs of spinal nerves emerging from the lumbar section of the spinal cord
sacral nerve any of five pairs of spinal nerves emerging from the sacral region of the spinal cord
thoracic nerve any of twelve pairs of spinal nerves emerging from the thoracic region of the spinal cord
nerve impulse
nervous impulse
neural impulse
the electrical discharge that travels along a nerve fiber, they demonstrated the transmission of impulses from the cortex to the hypothalamus
nerve center
nerve centre
a center that provides information and control, the nerve center of the diamond industry is in Amsterdam
conduction anesthesia
conduction anaesthesia
nerve block anesthesia
nerve block anaesthesia
block anesthesia
block anaesthesia
anesthesia of an area supplied by a nerve, produced by an anesthetic agent applied to the nerve
nerve compression harmful pressure on a nerve (especially in nerves that pass over rigid prominences), causes nerve damage and muscle weakness
nerve entrapment repeated and long-term nerve compression (usually in nerves near joints that are subject to inflammation or swelling)
sensorineural hearing loss
nerve deafness
hearing loss due to failure of the auditory nerve
nerve growth factor
a protein that is involved in the growth of peripheral nerve cells
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