
to space out Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Leerzeichen n, Abstand m
freier Raum
Leerzeichen, Abstand, Leertaste, Raumfahrt
Stellplatz m
Raumzeitalter n; Weltraumzeitalter n
space age
ausschliessen, sperren (Druckt.)
space out
space bar
space bar
Raumzeitalter n, Weltraumzeitalter n
space age
Totraum m mach. techn.
dead space
ArbeitsflÀche f
work space
Spankammer f mach.
chip space
Halbraum m math.
half space
work space
Freiraum m electr.
free space
space ship
Raumanzug m
space suit
nicht genug Platz
lack space
ungenutzter Raum
dead space
floor space
floor space
StellflÀche f; StandflÀche f
floor space
Stadtraum m
urban space
BodenflÀche f
floor space
Phasenraum m; Zustandsraum m math.
phase space
Meeresraum m envir.
ocean space
Kriechboden m
crawl space
Papiertransport nach dem Druck
space after
space probe
Raumgruppe f
space group
Raumsonde f
space probe
Satzspiegel m
print space
print space
StandflÀche f
floor space
Weltraumvertrag m pol.
space treaty
Banachraum m math.
Banach space
Ereignisraum m, Stichprobenraum m math.
sample space
HeizgerÀt n, kleiner Heizofen
space heater
HeizgerÀt n; kleiner Heizofen
space heater
Ereignisraum m; Stichprobenraum m math.
sample space
Papiertransport vor dem Druck
space before
Budgetraum n econ.
budget space
Banachscher Raum m; Banachraum m math.
Banach space
space saving
space charge
Raumladung f
space charge
Spaltenraum m math.
column space
Weltraumfahrt f
space travel
WohnflÀche f
living space
doppelter Zeilenabstand
double space
to space out
platzsparend adj
space saving
Weltraumwetter n
space weather
storage space
Hilbertraum m math.
Hilbert space
nicht genug Platz haben
to lack space
storage space
space of time
Raumforschung f
space science
Raumkapsel f
space capsule
Speicherraum m
storage space
Stauraum m
storage space
StellflÀche f
storage space
lack of space
housing space
Weltraumstation f
space station
address space
to back-space
Frachtraum, Laderaum
shipping space
Weltraumkrankheit f med.
space sickness
Raumgeschwindigkeit f
space velocity
shipping space
Weltraumkrankheit f
space sickness
verfĂŒgbare FlĂ€che
amount of space
LĂŒckenfĂŒller m
space filler SF
Raum-Zeit-Schaum m phys.
space-time foam
Gasraum m (Feuerung) mach.
radiation space
RaumkrĂŒmmung f; KrĂŒmmung f des Raumes math. phys.
space curvature
Luftporenanteil m
air space ratio
GroßhandelsflĂ€che f
wholesale space
FreiraumdÀmpfung f telco.
free space loss
Raumfahrtprogramm n
space programme
amount of space
vorgesehener Platz
allocated space
innerhalb von
in the space of
zweizeilig schreiben
to double-space
exhibition space
Raumersparnis, Einsparung von Raum
economy of space
RaumfahrtaktivitÀten pl
space activities
ZahnlĂŒckenprofil n techn.
tooth space form
Weltraumnavigation f; Raumfahrtnavigation f
space navigation
Weltraumbedingungen pl
space conditions
Raumfahrttechnik f
space technology
exhibition space
Zwischenraum m, Abstand m
mit Abstand anordnen, in ZwischenrÀumen anordnen
to space
to forward space
Raum-Zeit-Blase f phys.
space-time bubble
Raumnot f; Platznot f
shortage of space
Keine Wendemöglichkeit! auto
No Turning Space!
LĂŒckenfĂŒller m
space filler SF
Halbgeviert n print
en; nut; en space
air freight space
Reklameflaeche, Werbeflaeche, Anzeigenraum
advertising space
topologischer Raum math.
topological space
Luftfrachtraum m
air freight space
advertising space
Bauraum m
installation space
totraumfrei adj mach. techn.
free of dead space
Weltraum m; Weltall n; All n
space; outer space
Raum zurĂŒckgewinnen
recover lost space
Leere f, leere Stelle f, freier Raum
blank, blank space
Raumrichtung f
direction in space
Raum-Zeit-Diagramm n phys.
space-time diagram
Weltraum m, Weltall n
space, outer space
Wohnkultur f
living space design
Löcher in die Luft starren ĂŒbtr.
to stare into space
noch nicht zugewiesener Internet-Adressraum m comp.
bogon space coll.
Raumladungseffekt m
space charge effect
mark-to-space ratio
Stegbreite f
space between holes
Raum-Zeit-Mannigfaltigkeit f phys.
space-time manifold
Intrazellularraum m biol.
intracellular space
Dampfraumbelastung f mach.
steam space loading
Zeichen-Zwischenraum-VerhÀltnis n
mark-to-space ratio
Raum-Zeit-Symmetrie f phys.
space-time symmetry
Atomgitter n phys.
atomic space lattice
Hohlraum m
cavity, hollow space
etw. zweizeilig mit doppeltem Zeilenabstand formatieren schreiben v comp. print
to double-space sth.
Raum-Zeit-Kontinuum n phys.
space-time continuum
Raum-Zeit-Kontinuum n
space-time continuum
Raum m math.
normierter Raum math.
normed space
Modell- und Papierbereich m
model and paper space
Weltraumspaziergang m (Einsatz außerhalb eines Raumschiffs im Weltraum)
spacewalk; space walk
Raumprogramm n arch.
space allocation plan
space division system
Raum-Zeit-Geometrie f phys.
geometry of space-time
FlÀchenmanagement n FM
floor-space management
Leertaste f, Zwischenraumtaste f comp.
Leertasten pl, Zwischenraumtasten pl
space bar
space bars
Parkplatznot f; Parkplatzknappheit f auto
parking space shortage
Leertaste f; Zwischenraumtaste f comp.
Leertasten pl; Zwischenraumtasten pl
space bar
space bars
FlÀchenmanagement n FM
floor-space management
FlÀchenmanagement n (FM)
floor-space management
Raumladungsbetrieb m
space charge operation
Raum-Zeit-SingularitÀt f phys.
space-time singularity

to space out Definition

(n.) Extension, considered independently of anything which it may contain
(n.) Place, having more or less extension
(n.) A quantity or portion of extension
(n.) Quantity of time
(n.) A short time
(n.) Walk
(n.) A small piece of metal cast lower than a face type, so as not to receive the ink in printing, -- used to separate words or letters.
(n.) The distance or interval between words or letters in the lines, or between lines, as in books.
(n.) One of the intervals, or open places, between the lines of the staff.
(n.) To walk
(n.) To arrange or adjust the spaces in or between

to space out Bedeutung

the unlimited expanse in which everything is located, they tested his ability to locate objects in space, the boundless regions of the infinite
absolute space physical space independent of what occupies it
phase space (physics) an ideal space in which the coordinate dimensions represent the variables that are required to describe a system or substance, a multidimensional phase space
space walk any kind of physical activity outside a spacecraft by one of the crew
space travel
a voyage outside the Earth's atmosphere
dead-air space an unventilated area where no air circulates
hair space (printing) the narrowest of the spaces used to separate words or letters
quad space (printing) a block of type without a raised letter, used for spacing between words or sentences
space bar the bar-shaped typewriter key that introduces spaces when used
space capsule
a spacecraft designed to transport people and support human life in outer space
ballistic capsule
space vehicle
a craft capable of traveling in outer space, technically, a satellite around the sun
space heater heater consisting of a selfontained (usually portable) unit to warm a room
space helmet a helmet worn by astronauts while in outer space
Space Needle a towerfeet tall in Seattle, a tourist attraction
space probe a rocket-propelled guided missile that can escape the earth's atmosphere, makes observations of the solar system that cannot be made by terrestrial observation
space rocket a rocket powerful enough to travel into outer space
space shuttle a reusable spacecraft with wings for a controlled descent through the Earth's atmosphere
space station
space platform
space laboratory
a manned artificial satellite in a fixed orbit designed for scientific research
storage space the area in any structure that provides space for storage
pleural space the small potential space between the parietal and visceral layers of the pleura
pericardial cavity
pericardial space
the space between the layers of the pericardium that contains fluid that lubricates the membrane surfaces and allows easy heart movement
subarachnoid space a space in the meninges beneath the arachnoid membrane and above the pia mater that contains the cerebrospinal fluid
visual space the visual perception of space
space lattice
crystal lattice
Bravais lattice
a -dimensional geometric arrangement of the atoms or molecules or ions composing a crystal
space program a technological program intended to explore outer space
space-time continuum
the four-dimensional coordinate system ( dimensions of space and of time) in which physical events are located
space medicine the branch of medicine concerned with the effects of space flight on human beings
space biology
the branch of biology concerned with the effects of outer space on living organisms and the search for extraterrestrial life
space blank space
a blank area, write your name in the space provided
a blank character used to separate successive words in writing or printing, he said the space is the most important character in the alphabet
space one of the areas between or below or above the lines of a musical staff, the spaces are the notes F-A-C-E
mathematical space
topological space
(mathematics) any set of points that satisfy a set of postulates of some kind, assume that the topological space is finite dimensional
null space a space that contains no points, and empty space
metric space a set of points such that for every pair of points there is a nonnegative real number called their distance that is symmetric and satisfies the triangle inequality
Euclidean space a space in which Euclid's axioms and definitions apply, a metric space that is linear and finite-dimensional
Hilbert space a metric space that is linear and complete and (usually) infinite-dimensional
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
an independent agency of the United States government responsible for aviation and spaceflight
Air Force Space Command
a command of the United States Air Force that is responsible for defending the United States through its space and intercontinental ballistic missile operations
outer space
any location outside the Earth's atmosphere, the astronauts walked in outer space without a tether, the first major milestone in space exploration was in , when the USSR's Sputnik orbited the Earth
interplanetary space the part of outer space within the solar system
interstellar space the space between stars
intergalactic space the space between galaxies, the Milky Way travels through intergalactic space
deep space any region in space outside the solar system
airspace air space the space in the atmosphere immediately above the earth
crawl space
low space beneath a floor of a building, gives workers access to wiring or plumbing
disk space
disc space
(computer science) the space available on a magnetic disk
swap space
swap file
the disk space that is set aside for virtual memory
parking space
parking zone
a space where an automobile can be parked
space an area reserved for some particular purpose, the laboratory's floor space
space cadet someone who seems unable to respond appropriately to reality (as if under the influence of some narcotic drug)
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