(radiation) Englisch Deutsch Abstrahlung Übersetzung Synonym

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(radiation) Englisch Deutsch:

Abstrahlung f phys. radiation
Strahlung f radiation
Verströmen n radiation
Weichstrahlung f techn.soft radiation
Strahlendosis f radiation dose
Waermestrahlungheat radiation
Wärmestrahlung f heat radiation
Globalstrahlung fsolar radiation
Erdstrahlen plearth radiation
Gammastrahlung f phys. gamma radiation
Gasraum m (Feuerung) mach. radiation space
strahlensicher adj techn.radiation-proof
Sonneneinstrahlung f, Sonnenstrahlung f solar radiation
Strahlenmessgerät n radiation gauge
Strahlenmessgeraetradiation gauge
Strahlungsfrost m meteo.radiation frost
Gammastrahlunggamma radiation
Strahlenwerte pl phys.radiation levels
Strahlungsverlusteradiation losses
Strahlungsschaedenradiation damage
personenbezogener Strahlenschutz m
Personenstrahlenschutz m phys.
radiation safety
radioaktive Strahlungnuclear radiation
Strahlenanämie f med.radiation anaemia
Kernstrahlung f phys.nuclear radiation
bestrahlt adjradiation-exposed
strahlenbedingt adj med.radiation-induced
strahlenbehandelt adj med.radiation-treated
strahlenbelastet adj med.radiation-exposed
Bestrahlungsfolge f
Bestrahlungskomplikation f med.
radiation sequela
Gefährdung durch Strahlen, Strahlenrisikenradiation hazards
Strahlenrisikenradiation hazards
Strahlenerythem n med.radiation erythema
Strahlungsdruck m radiation pressure
Strahlenkrankheit f med. radiation sickness
Strahlenmedizin f med.radiation medicine
Strahlenmyelitis f med.radiation myelitis
Strahlensyndrom n med.radiation syndrome
Strahlenzytologie f med.radiation cytology
Infrarotstrahlung finfrared radiation
Strahlenkrebs m med.radiation carcinoma
Niedrigstrahlung flow-level radiation
Strahlungseinrichtung f
Strahlungseinrichtungen pl
radiation equipment
Strahlenvergiftung f
Strahlenintoxikation f med.
radiation poisoning
allgemeiner Strahlenschutz m
Stahlenschutz m phys.
radiation protection
Strahlungsstreuung f phys.radiation scattering
Strahlenschutz m radiation protection
Strahlenschutzradiation protection
Strahlenkastration f med.radiation castration
strahlensterilisiert adj med.radiation-sterilized
Dauerstrahlung f phys.persistent radiation
Dauerstrahlung f persistent radiation
Strahlungsgröße f radiation measurement
Strahlenretinopathie f med.radiation retinopathy
Ultravioletstrahlung fultraviolet radiation
Korpuskularstrahlung f phys.particulate radiation
Radarkuppel f
Radom n
wetterfeste Verkleidung einer Antennenanlage
radiation dome   radome
Radarkuppel f, Radom n, wetterfeste Verkleidung einer Antennenanlage radiation dome, radome
Ausstrahlung f
Ausstrahlungen pl

Strahlungsrisikonuclear radiation risk
Strahlungshaushalt m der Erdeearth's radiation budget
Strahlenschutzgesetz n jur.Radiation Protection Act
strahlungsfest adjradiation-hardened {adj}
Beauftragter m für allgemeinen Strahlenschutz
Strahlenschutzbeauftragter m
radiation safety officer
Fluoreszenzröntgenstrahlung f
Röntgenfluoreszenzstrahlung f charakteristische Strahlung
charakteristische Röntgenstrahlung f phys.
fluorescence X-radiation
Ausbreitung f in neue Lebensräume (einer Tierart) biol. radiation (of a species)
Globalstrahlung f envir. geogr.global (solar) radiation
strahlenverseucht adj techn.
contaminated by radiation
Gasraum m
Strahlraum m (Feuerungsanlage)
radiation space (furnace)

(radiation) Definition:

Radiation (n.) The act of radiating, or the state of being radiated
Radiation (n.) The shooting forth of anything from a point or surface, like the diverging rays of light
radiotherapy / radiation therapy / radiation actinotherapy / irradiation (medicine) the treatment of disease (especially cancer) by exposure to a radioactive substance
radiation the act of spreading outward from a central source
radiation pyrometer a pyrometer for estimating the temperature of distant sources of heat, radiation is focussed on a thermojunction connected in circuit with a galvanometer
acoustic radiation pressure (acoustics) the pressure exerted on a surface normal to the direction of propagation of a sound wave
optic radiation / radiatio optica a nerve pathway from the lateral geniculate body to the visual cortex
radiation a radial arrangement of nerve fibers connecting different parts of the brain
Planck's radiation law (physics) an equation that expresses the distribution of energy in the radiated spectrum of an ideal black body
radiation pattern / radiation diagram / pattern graphical representation (in polar or Cartesian coordinates) of the spatial distribution of radiation from an antenna as a function of angle
background radiation radiation coming from sources other than those being observed
radiation the spread of a group of organisms into new habitats
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(radiation) Synonyme:

beta ray  Becquerel ray  Grenz ray  Roentgen ray  X radiation  X ray  actinic ray  alpha radiation  alpha ray  anode ray  beta radiation  canal ray  cathode ray  cosmic radiation  cosmic ray  cosmic ray bombardment  electron emission  gamma radiation  gamma ray  infraroentgen ray  nuclear rays  positive ray  radiorays  
gamma ray  Becquerel ray  Grenz ray  Roentgen ray  X radiation  X ray  actinic ray  actinism  alpha radiation  alpha ray  anode ray  atomic beam  atomic ray  beam  beam of light  beta radiation  beta ray  canal ray  cathode ray  cosmic radiation  cosmic ray  cosmic ray bombardment  electron emission  gamma radiation  gleam  infrared ray  infraroentgen ray  invisible radiation  leam  nuclear rays  patch  pencil  photon  positive ray  radiation  radiorays  ray  ray of light  ribbon  ribbon of light  solar rays  streak  stream  stream of light  streamer  ultraviolet ray  violet ray  
radiorays  Becquerel ray  Grenz ray  Roentgen ray  X radiation  X ray  actinic ray  actinism  alpha radiation  alpha ray  anode ray  atomic beam  atomic ray  beam  beam of light  beta radiation  beta ray  canal ray  cathode ray  cosmic radiation  cosmic ray  cosmic ray bombardment  electron emission  gamma radiation  gamma ray  gleam  infrared ray  infraroentgen ray  invisible radiation  leam  nuclear rays  patch  pencil  photon  positive ray  radiation  ray  ray of light  ribbon  ribbon of light  solar rays  streak  stream  stream of light  streamer  ultraviolet ray  violet ray  
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