meat Englisch Deutsch Fleisch Übersetzung Synonym

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meat Englisch Deutsch:

Ochsenfleisch n cook.ox meat
Hundefleisch n meat
Fleischpastetemeat pie
Schlachtbeilmeat axe
Fleischgericht n cook. meat dish
Fleischkost f cook. meat diet
Ziegenfleisch n cook.goat meat
Pökelfleisch n, Surfleisch n Ös. cook. salt meat
Fliegenschrankmeat safe
Fleischpastetenmeat pies
Hackbratenmeat loaf
Aufschnittcold meat
Fleischkostmeat diet
Dörrfleisch n cook. dried meat
Fleischbrühe f meat broth
Trockenfleisch n cook.dried meat
Pferdefleisch n meat
Pferdefleisch n horse-meat
Bratenroast meat
Walfleisch n whale meat
Doerrfleischdried meat
Fleischbruehemeat broth
blutig adj (Fleisch) cook. nicht durchgebratenrare (meat)
Fleischfondue n cook. meat fondue
Fleischpreise pl meat prices
Rauchfleisch n
Geräuchertes n
Selchfleisch n Süddt. Ös.
Geselchtes n Süddt. Ös. cook.
smoked meat
Gammelfleisch m ugs.
gammeliges Fleisch
rotten meat
Gammelfleisch m rotten meat
Gefrierfleisch n cook. frozen meat
Eselfleisch n
Eselsfleisch n cook.
donkey meat
Rauchfleisch n cook. smoked meat
Salzfleisch n cook. salted meat
Hackfleischminced meat
Fleischspeisemeat prices
Buechsenfleischcanned meat
Gefrierfleischfrozen meat
Hummerfleisch n cook.lobster meat
Brät m, n cook. sausage meat
Delfinfleisch n dolphin meat
Brät m,n cook.sausage meat
Fleischextrakt m meat extract
Fleischware f meat product
Kühlfleisch n cook.chilled meat
Formfleisch n cook.pressed meat
Fleischextrakt m cook.meat extract
Fleisch parieren v (Haut Fett Sehnen wegschneiden) trim meat
Brät m n cook.sausage meat
Kühlfleisch n chilled meat
Fleischwaremeat product
Suppenfleisch n cook. boiling meat
Suppenfleischboiling meat
Schmorbratenbraised meat
Fleischextraktmeat extract
Fleischbrät m,n cook.meat emulsion
rosa adj (Fleisch) cook.medium (meat)
Fleischbrät m, n meat emulsion
Fleischpastete f cook. meat turnover
Fleischwarenindustrie f meat industry
Frühstücksfleisch n cook. luncheon meat
Fleischbrät m nmeat emulsion
Fleischschnitteslice of meat
Fleischverarbeiter m
Fleischverarbeiterin f
meat processor
Fleischbrocken plchunks of meat
Fleischschnittenslices of meat
Fleischbeschauermeat inspector
Fleischvergiftung f meat poisoning
Fleischbeschauer m meat inspector
Hamburgerhamburger meat
chemischer Weichmacher m für Fleisch chem.meat tenderizer

meat Definition:

Baked-meat (n.) A pie
Duck's-meat (n.) Duckweed.
Meat (n.) Food, in general
Meat (n.) The flesh of animals used as food
Meat (n.) Specifically, dinner
Meat (v. t.) To supply with food.
Mince-meat (n.) Minced meat
Spoon-meat (n.) Food that is, or must be, taken with a spoon
meat grinder any action resulting in injury or destruction, "the meat grinder of politics destroyed his reputation", "allied forces crumbled before the Wehrmacht meat grinder"
meatpacking / meat packing / meat-packing business wholesale packaging of meat for future sale (including slaughtering and processing and distribution to retailers)
butcher shop / meat market a shop in which meat and poultry (and sometimes fish) are sold
cleaver / meat cleaver / chopper a butcher's knife having a large square blade
meat counter counter where meats are displayed for sale
meat grinder a mill for grinding meat
meat hook a strong pointed hook from which the carcasses of animals are hung
meat house a small house (on a farm) where meat is stored
meat safe a safe for storing meat
meat thermometer a thermometer that is inserted into the center of a roast (with the top away from the heat source), used to measure how well done the meat is

meat Synonyme:

meat  Brazil nut  TLC  act of love  adultery  almond  almond paste  amande  amande douce  amandes mondees  aphrodisia  aspic  ass  axiom  bag  balling  ballocks  balls  barbecue  basics  basis  basket  beard  bench mark  best part  better part  bitter almond  blanched almonds  board  body  boiled meat  bouilli  bread  bread and butter  breasts  bulk  burden  burnt almond  cardinal point  care  carnal knowledge  case  center  cervix  chapter  cheer  chief thing  chow  civet  climax  clitoris  cod  cods  cohabitation  coition  coitus  coitus interruptus  comestibles  commerce  concern  congress  connection  copula  copulation  core  cornerstone  coupling  creature comfort  crisis  critical point  crux  cuisine  cullions  daily bread  diddling  distillate  distillation  eatables  eats  economic support  edibles  elixir  endowment  entertainment  essence  essential  essential matter  essentials  fabric  family jewels  fare  fast food  feast  feed  female organs  flesh  flower  focus  focus of attention  focus of interest  food  food and drink  foodstuff  forcemeat  fornication  fundamental  game  generality  genitalia  genitals  gist  gonads  goober  goober pea  gravamen  great point  ground-pea  groundnut  grub  hachis  hash  head  heading  health food  heart  high point  hot number  hypostasis  important thing  ingesta  inner essence  intercourse  intimacy  issue  jerky  joint  jugged hare  junk food  keep  kernel  keystone  kitchen stuff  labia  labia majora  labia minora  landmark  lingam  lips  livelihood  living  living issue  lovemaking  main body  main point  main thing  maintenance  major part  majority  making it with  male organs  manna  marital relations  marriage act  marrow  mass  material  material point  mating  matter  matter in hand  meal  medium  menue viande  mess  milestone  mince  most  mothering  motif  motive  nigger toe  noisette  noix  nourishment  nub  nucleus  nurture  nut  nutriment  nuts  nuts and bolts  nymphae  onanism  orgasm  ovary  ovu  
meat eater  Brillat-Savarin  Lucullus  board-and-roomer  boarder  bon vivant  cannibal  carnivore  connoisseur of food  consumer  diner  diner-out  eater  eater-out  epicure  feeder  flesh-eater  fruitarian  gastronome  glutton  gourmand  gourmet  grain-eater  graminivore  granivore  herbivore  high liver  hungry mouth  lactovegetarian  luncher  man-eater  mouth  omnivore  omophagist  pantophagist  phytophage  picnicker  plant-eater  predacean  trencherman  vegetarian  
meat eating  cannibal  cannibalistic  carnivorous  commensal  dietetic  dining  eating  feeding  flesh-eating  fruitarian  gastronomic  gluttonous  grain-eating  graminivorous  granivorous  grass-eating  herbivorous  insect-eating  insectivorous  lactovegetarian  man-eating  mensal  nourishing  nutritious  omnivorous  omophagous  pantophagous  phytivorous  phytophagous  plant-eating  postprandial  prandial  predacious  preprandial  vegetable-eating  vegetarian  
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