quantity Englisch Deutsch Quantität, Übersetzung Synonym

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quantity Englisch Deutsch:

Menge, Quantitaetquantity
Quantität f, Menge f quantity
Quantität, Mengequantity
Größe f math. quantity
Stück pl Stk. (Stückzahl)quantity qty
Nettofüllmenge f econ.net quantity
Unmassevast quantity
gleiche Mengesame quantity
Wärmemenge f heat quantity
Mengeneinheit f quantity unit
Großabnehmerquantity buyer
Stück pl Stk. (Stückzahl)quantity qty
Quantenausbeute f quantity yield
Mengenprämiequantity bonus
Preis für Mengenabnahmequantity price
übermäßige Mengeundue quantity
Analoggroesseanalog quantity
Istmengeactual quantity
Mengenabnahmequantity buying
Puffermenge fbuffer quantity
Istmenge f actual quantity
Analoggröße f analog quantity
Ausbringungsmenge f output quantity
Arbeitsmenge, Menge an Arbeitquantity of work
Wurzelgroesseradical quantity
Unbekannte f, Variable f unknown quantity
Mengenregulierung f quantity control
Wärmequantum n phys.quantity of heat
Unbekannte f
Variable f
unknown quantity
Lastenheft n econ. (Leistungsverzeichnis) bill of quantity
Steuerungsgröße fcontrol quantity
optimale Mengeoptimum quantity
Mengeneinheitunit of quantity
Hochwassermenge f envir.quantity of flood
Abrufmenge f released quantity
Warenmengequantity of goods
gefertigte Mengequantity produced
Mengengerüst n math.quantity schedule
umgesetzte Menge, Absatzmengequantity of sales
Mengenrabattquantity discount
Abfallmenge fquantity of waste
mengenmäßiger Umsatzquantity turnover
Bezugsgröße f reference quantity
Verkaufsmengeneinheit f econ.sales quantity unit
Menge der Exportequantity of exports
Mengeneinstellung f quantity presetting
Menge der Importequantity of imports
Massenberechnung f quantity computation
Mengenberechnung f quantity calculation
Mengenbeschränkung f quantity restriction
eine größere Menge vona larger quantity of
Mengenberechnungquantity calculation
Mengenbezeichnungquantity description
jede gewünschte Mengeany quantity required
Mindestbestellmenge f minimum order quantity
die gewünschte Mengethe quantity requested
Massenherstellungquantity manufacturing
Mengenangabe fexpression of quantity
Massenherstellung f quantity manufacturing
unzulängliche Mengedeficiency in quantity
die Menge die Sie wünschenthe quantity you desire
Baukostenkalkulator mquantity surveyor Br.
Kleinmengen-Handling nsmall quantity handling
Sickerwassermenge fquantity of percolation
die Menge die Sie benötigenthe quantity you require
Bestellmenge f quantity, order quantity
Packungseinheit f bulk pack, bulk quantity
Geldmengentheoriequantity theory of money

quantity Definition:

Quantity (v. t.) To modify or qualify with respect to quantity
Quantity (n.) The attribute of being so much, and not more or less
Quantity (n.) The extent or extension of a general conception, that is, the number of species or individuals to which it may be applied
Quantity (n.) The measure of a syllable
Quantity (n.) The relative duration of a tone.
Quantity (n.) That which can be increased, diminished, or measured
Quantity (n.) A determinate or estimated amount
measure / quantity / amount how much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify
quantity an adequate or large amount, "he had a quantity of ammunition"
quantity the concept that something has a magnitude and can be represented in mathematical expressions by a constant or a variable
numerical quantity a quantity expressed as a number
variable / variable quantity a quantity that can assume any of a set of values
constant / constant quantity / invariable a quantity that does not vary
parameter / parametric quantity a constant in the equation of a curve that can be varied to yield a family of similar curves
unknown / unknown quantity a variable whose values are solutions of an equation
unknown quantity a factor in a given situation whose bearing and importance is not apparent, "I don't know what the new man will do, he's still an unknown quantity"
fundamental quantity / fundamental measure one of the four quantities that are the basis of systems of measurement

quantity Synonyme:

quantity  Alexandrine  a mass of  a world of  abundance  accent  accentuation  accommodation  account  acres  affluence  aggregate  amount  amphibrach  amphimacer  ample sufficiency  ampleness  amplitude  anacrusis  anapest  antispast  armful  army  arsis  avalanche  bacchius  bagful  bags  barometer  barrelful  barrels  basketful  batch  beat  bevy  binful  block  bonanza  bottleful  bountifulness  bountiousness  bowlful  box score  budget  bulk  bumper crop  bunch  burden  bushel  cadence  caesura  canon  capacity  capful  caseful  cast  catalexis  check  chloriamb  chloriambus  chunk  clod  cloud  clump  clutch  clutter  colon  content  copiousness  cordage  count  counterpoint  countlessness  covey  cretic  criterion  dactyl  dactylic hexameter  deal  degree  diaeresis  difference  dimeter  dipody  dochmiac  dose  elegiac  elegiac couplet  elegiac pentameter  emphasis  epitrite  extent  extravagance  exuberance  feminine caesura  fertility  flight  flock  flocks  flood  flow  foison  foot  full measure  full vowel  fullness  gauge  generosity  generousness  gob  gobs  graduated scale  great abundance  great plenty  group  gush  hail  handful  heap  heptameter  heptapody  heroic couplet  hexameter  hexapody  hive  host  hunk  iamb  iambic  iambic pentameter  ictus  ionic  jam  jillion  jingle  kettleful  landslide  lapful  large amount  lavishness  legion  liberality  liberalness  lilt  limit  load  loads  loaf  long vowel  lot  lots  lump  luxuriance  many  masculine caesura  mass  masses of  maximum  measure  mess  meter  metrical accent  metrical foot  metrical group  metrical unit  metron  million  mob  model  molossus  mora  more than enough  mountain  mouthful  movement  much  muchness  multitude  myriad  myriads  nest  norm  nugget  number  numbers  numerousness  ocean  oceans  oodles  opulence  opulency  outpouring  overflow  pack  paeon  parameter  parcel  part  pat  pattern  peck  pentameter  pentapody  period  plenitude  plenteousness  plentifulness  p  
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